Can´t claim battle pass rewards

I am unable to claim unlocked battle pass rewards, except the eye patch at lvl 5.
The “Claim all rewards” button does nothing and none of the supposedly unlocked rewards show up in the ancestral knowledge.
Has anyone encountered similar problems and maybe has a solution?
I noticed that while playing and doing some chalanges after the first patch, I restarted the game and needed a 250kb update. Does anyone know, if I might have to delete a local file or somesuch?

Did you buy the BP? You can’t claim all rewards unless you unlock them and buy the BP.

Nope, just putting in the time for the chalanges. I have received the eye patch, but none of the other rewards.
Do I need to reach lvl 60 to receive any of them? I hope not.
Thank you

No, you need to buy the battle pass with cash. Only then you will be able to claim the rewards which are not marked as free.

Ah, I see. Sneaky :wink:
I must have missed that limitation. Thank you for the clarification. It is a bit odd, though, that they let you push the “claim all” button, which gave me the impression that something was broken…

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