Can thralls use elevators

Hello can the thralls use elevators in the new age of hero’s. I know they do not use ladders. I would hate to rebuild stairs if an elevator will work

I believe they said no to elevators and not to transporters. Yes to doors and stairs though.

However a counter to the stairs is if they will duck while going up or down on the stairs. If they can’t duck, then you have a means to control stairs flow.

Sorry should have clarified crafter thralls looking for beds will they use an elevator.

No they do not use elevators; crafter thralls will open gates and doors though.

If you contain them on a floor that is only accessible by an elevator, ensure that they have all needs: bed, campfire and chair to stay on that floor.

Thank you


Hey im such a noob. can i ask this please,

1 Do only the crafter thralls have needs, or will every (old fighter) thrall wander?

2 When i circle thralls with walls will they be able to still get out in any way?

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Only crafters have needs.

They will be able to get out if any “needs” placeables are beyond the walls. While they don’t need a well, they will use them, so if you’re someone who puts wells outside don’t do that.

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Salute you, thanks.

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