Can we get a toggle please for the tarzan battle cry

i thought i was playing conan
not tarzan

can we get a toggle to prevent that one battle cry ?

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The real yell.

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“Poke poke mate”. :rofl:

The “Dance for me now or swing for me later” is funny the first couple times only too.

The problem is: You argument does not really hold water, because the “tarzan” thing is not actually tarzan thing, and I can think of at least 5 times in Conan REH original stories in which something can be understood like that exact same warcry can be found.

So … your petition needs a different argument.

Plus no game would ever do toggles for individual sounds that some people dislike :man_shrugging: You already have a toggle to turn off all sounds and that’s all you’re ever going to have.
Ofc you can solve nitpicks like this via mods on PC, but the vanilla game will never have a “solution” for it since it’s not an actual “problem”.

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Wait until you see Liu Fei, a Khitanian wizard, shouting “for the north”


You have “macho man” yelling like a barbie girl since the game exists. The “uncanny valley” in there is like a “uncanny metropolitan area” at this point.

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