Cannot access forge of the first men on private server. There is no prompt when you walk up to any of the forges

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Of Maybe

Bug Description:

Cannot access forge of the first men on private server. There is no prompt when you walk up to any of the three forges

Bug Reproduction:

I walked up to the forges

Try relogging, first near the forge, then if that doesn’t work go out of render range, relog there and come back.
World crafting stations occasionally have this bug, but so far a relog always fixed it for me

I tried both of those and still didn’t work, I also read somewhere that you have to dismantle a weapon of the grey one and then go. That didn’t work either. I also restarted the server and still no luck. Hopefully something fixes it, but thank you for commenting I appreciate the help

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