“Cannot summon here” error

I cannot summon avatar god and it’s going to expire and PVP hours are ending. Been trying for hours.

Server 3527 American

Are you standing next to the temple where you created the god token (in your own land)?

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Where are you trying to summon it? :open_mouth:

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If I remember correctly you can summon only in neutral land and ofcurce in land that you can “build”. I tried once in the past to summon a God in the unnamed city and I couldn’t. Still I don’t know if I am correct, I assumed that this was the reason and I never brought it here :man_shrugging:. You just cannot imagine how many times in game I said," hey I need to ask for this in the forum" and then I forgot it :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

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That’s why I asked if he was on his own land claim. Pretty sure you can’t just walk up to someone else’s base and summon a god on their front porch. :wink:

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Yeah you 100% can’t summon a god within someone else’s land claim but I’ve also encountered places that are outside of a players land claim where I too have been unable to summon a God, usually I just move a few foundations spaces away until I find a sweet spot but if the OP has been trying “for hours” I’m curious as to where they are trying to summon from.

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