Unable to summon avatar official PS PVE server

Official PS PVE server 3520.

Crafted “True Name of Mitra” but can’t summon avatar.
Went a bunch of different areas on the map, no luck. “Can’t summon here” message.
Trying to complete journey step.


Greetings Exile,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Edit: It seems that the server is PvE and for that it blocks the use of avatars.

I misunderstood the setting line “AvatarsDisabled=False”. It is not, not disabled :sweat_smile:

My apologies and thank you @stelagel for the double-check!

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My fellow exile i don’t know if you ever summoned an avatar again but there are 2 things you must know before you try to summon one.

  1. You cannot summon an avatar in Owned territory.
  2. You cannot summon an avatar in not allowed to build area. So camps of npcs, dungeons, vaults, cities, etc… No avatars allowed!

There for in order to summon an avatar you have to choose a spot that you can place a foundation, but you won’t because you will claim the area. So grab your building hammer, find the spot that building is allowed and summon it.

Edit. This is on single player pve!

But i will jump in your server to check if something is wrong. It will take me at least 24 hours to be able to summon an avatar, so wait for my news tomorrow same hour.


Hold on @Dean.JL, in a few hours the moment of truth…

Lolxd needs about 3 more hours to be cooked so i can fry him after :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Cross fingers i wont find issues!

And it’s done. You can summon an avatar in your server fellow exile @Dean.JL. You have no pve restrictions and no sever issues, all you need to do is fix this

Find a good empty spot from camps and claims and summon your Mitra’s avatar

Ofcurce this happened on your server

My Bella hope she helped :wink:

If you have again problems, just name it and i’ll be there. Until then

Have fun exile!
@Caroll as you see there’s absolutely no issue to report on devs, the server is working properly! Yet i have a problem with my crom coins purchase, can you link please the exact page i must vistit on Zendesk or Sony, i don’t know, because i had an error system that asked me to log out and log in but if i still don’t receive the coins i will have to contact with costumers service.
I have only my bank report that if you want i can dm on you, will it help?

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If I may @stelagel, every time I had that problem with crom coins II did the following:

  • Log out. Log in. If that doesn’t solve it wait 24h and do the same. If by then the coins weren’t added to your account load the game and
  • from the in game main menu, choose the option REQUEST HELP and from the dropbox select problems with purchases or whatever that option is called. It’s the last, I believe. I would then fill the field with my e-mail and wait for their contact. Usually it’s the day after.
  • when FUNCOM e-mail arrives, reply and explain the problem. Say you already waited 24h. Take a screenshot of the receipt Sony sent you when you bought the coins. If you don’t have that (usually it’s the easier option), your bank receipt will do fine.
    Don’t forget to provide your FUNCOM ID. You can find it in the bottom left corner when you are in the main menu of the game.
    Attach the screenshot to the email. Wait for their answer. They were always very fast solving it.

In your next answer from FUNCOM you’ll have your problem solved.

So, wait 24h, request help, reply to their email, sending proof of payment and funcom ID and you’ll get it solved in no time.

It seems buying the coins from the ps store doesn’t cause this issue.

Tell me how it went. With me, it was always fast and easy.

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Maybe you can include the date that is a little above? It was enough for me.
They will detect your payment, @stelagel .That proof is just to make things easier for them. You can attach 2 screenshots, but I only sent one like yours, just including the date and I never got asked for anything else. :blush:

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Thanks a million @MarcosC, it’s crystal clear now m8. I will wait 24 hours like you said and then i will choose the options you said. I will delete the receipt photo as well because there’s no use in here. I just send it to help me and you DID. Thanks a million again!

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Probably you don’t need to wait any longer, @stelagel . It’s 24h after the purchase.
You can write them, but as it’s Friday, you might only get your answer after the weekend.

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Uh… it’s not Friday. :neutral_face:

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:rofl:, i am pretty sure @MarcosC meant “if this happens in Friday” not to loose moral! At least this way i got it. I love the emoji faces you use @jmk1999, it took me some time to understand how you use them :+1:t6:.

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Gosh, it’s Wednesday. :smile:
The good life is starting to affect me!
@stelagel I actually though it was Friday. :smile:


Greetings @stelagel, and thank you for testing it out!

I’ll refer the information to our team to make sure everything is as intended.

Regarding your Crom coins:

Please submit a ticket to our Help center or via the in-game Request help button so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great day!


Thanks a million :blush:


Thanks @stelagel. Was finally able to summon the avatar. I found a lot of buildable areas around A7/8/9 and B8 but could not summon there. I went closer to where you summoned the avatar and was able to do it. Thanks again and to everyone that provided some info.


Way to go exile :metal:, Congratulations! Thank you for replying your success, you made me really happy.
Best wishes to have super fun with the new update.

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