Can't attack/block bug

While playing a PVE Coop server, my friends and I have been having an issue attacking anything with weapons(bare hands work sometimes. we can use tools (axe, pick, skinning tools), when it comes to blocking and attacking it starts the animation and gives the attack grunt noise but it stops almost like it rubber bands, but its not.
The host isn’t running into any issues.
I have restarted the game, reinstalled the game, checked my connections.
I have dropped all gear (both into check and in the open), repaired all weapons, tried different weapons, tried holding torch, dodge roll into attack.
literally nothing is working and I’m so stressed.

Hi @Zerogravity617 and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Are you experiencing this issue while playing on the Exile Lands map or Isle of Siptah map?
Can you also provide us with a video of what you are seeing?

This will help the team with the investigation.

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