Can't enter server LATAM #1976

**Game mode: Online official
**Type of issue: Bug
*Server type: PvE
Region: [ LATAM ]
Mods?: * No ]

Bug Description:

My game gets stuck on loading screen, it’s been happening thd whole day, server latam 1976

Expected Behavior:

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

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If you can connect to other servers and the issue is with this one only, then it is probably the server and you should report it to ZenDesk via a ticket. They are the ones in charge of connectivity issues on official servers:


Thank you!

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