Can't see enemy vision zones! can't stealth without them

The rest of the game seems to be working fine, but I can never see the red/white circles around the enemies that would allow me to stealth past them. There’s nothing in my setting or controls…what do I do?

Hmm that’s weird! Are you on PC? Normal difficulty? If you happen to have a screenshot or video we’d love to see it. And what are your computer’s specs? Thanks!

uh it says I can’t upload images since I’m a new user. have the images ready if you have a way of me sending them to you. Thanks for your response!

computer specs are windows 10 pro, x64 based pc, intel core i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60 ghz, 2808 megahz, 2 cores, 4 logical processsors,

Same issue here - until I saw a video review I didn’t even know the game was supposed to have them

Are they potentially tied into a Graphics Option? - mine is basically on Medium for everything

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Heya, I edited your forum account so you have a higher trust level. Sorry about that! It helps prevent spammers. You should be able to post pics now! :slight_smile: Thanks for taking the time and for the specs!


Thanks a ton! That is super weird. I went ahead and forwarded this to the devs so they’re aware. We’ll get back to you if we have further questions but for now they’ll investigate it! Sorry for the trouble regarding that!

dux and bornin’s skills aren’t charging
I am in the high road and need them
what is the problem

Anything new on this front? been about 2 months since the original post, I’m probably going to give up on this soon :(. seems like other people have this problem as well

Ok, I’d like to get a refund on this game. I have tried reinstalling a fair number of times, and waited a long time for a response. Game is largely unplayable with the bug. Thank you for trying Spynosaur_Nicole!

I am having the same problem. Has anyone found a solution?

Hey. I also have this problem, did you manage to find a solution? Thank you in advance.

Hello! I also experience this problem - it makes it really difficult to properly use the stealth mechanics. Is there any bug ticket associated to this problem? Maybe stack trace is needed for debugging?

Same issues here.

I reinstalled it (moved from winfdows 7 to windows 10) and this bug is present.
I reinstalled it two times after that, same problem.

please help!

the game is unplayable with this bug … :frowning:

Any development ?

EDIT : Wow…
very disapointing.

Hey Baba,

Unfortunately we don’t have any updates about this specific issue. There aren’t additional patches and updates planned for Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden at the moment.