Carry a captive using the horse

I identified a lot with Conan Exiles and I play every day! I think I finally found a game that I play with great pleasure. I increasingly believe in the competence of the professionals involved in building, maintaining and expanding what I consider one of the best survival games at the moment. Improvements will come as I see following current updates and knowing this, I would like to make a request / suggestion on my behalf and my subscribers on my YouTube channel which I started a short time ago with Conan Exiles as main. I refer to the nonexistent possibility today of dragging the captured minion using the mount! At the moment, if we are with the mount and make the capture, we are forced to leave the horse and go on foot with the captive, which seems a bit strange.

We hope you will consider the suggestion / request with love and reward us with this in some future patch soon.

Thank you


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From a realistic point of view, dragging an unconscious person behind a galloping horse would quickly kill the person.

From a gameplay point of view, I’d love to be able to drag “volunteers” while riding a horse. Heck, let them suffer some damage while I do that.

I believe this is one of the features Funcom is planning to add in the future, but they are doing the whole horses update thing in smaller, bite-sized chunks to keep it manageable from a development perspective. So let’s not lose hope.

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