Certain thralls keep falling and sinking into the foundations

Whenever my server (official pve server) experiences the falling through structures bug, my thralls are also experiencing this issue with me. Can this please be fixed or looked into? I don’t mind myself falling at this point. But my thralls? that’s topping off the cake with spit.

I built a stable and added horses the other day and they fell through the stable foundation flooring.
They didn’t fall right through when i originally placed the horses, i came back later after some time away and went into the stable and noticed this the next time i loaded the game.

Solo Player / Single Player (non-server)
Exiles Map

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Wish there was a way to bypass this. Like putting them ontop of an object instead of directly ontop of a foundation/ceiling to stop them from falling through.

My base is on a steep hill so I have lots of exposed ground. I log off myself on the ground and move thralls and mounts to either on exposed ground or on foundation right next to the ground so if someone sinks through they won’t go far.

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