There is a campfire on a hill right next to the Pagoda. I can not count the number of times thralls have thrown themselves to their deaths rather than be subdued. It is really hard to subdue them before they jump to their death onto the beach.
This place is bugged as hell :
2 archers are jumping down the ledge and then get down to 1/3 max health.
the fighter guarding the entrance with the archer nevr aggro you untill you come too close
the dancer behind the derketo teacher is ALWAYS stuck iside the wooden thing of the tent.
The same dancer will either teleport on the beach below or teleport at the entrance of the same room.
the second dancer cannot get out of his/her position and will do Nothing except souting. he will only fight back if you go up his platform
the 2 npcs standing at the first bonfire up the little hill near the religious area will not aggro 70% of the time and if they aggro, they either jump down the ledge or jump to their death on the beach. They DO NOT FIGHT BACK ON THIS PLATEAU
npcs can walk through the environnement here, and they will often times come out of the big rock which is Under the bonfire mentionned previously.
It’s fun for a time, then it gets annoying…
You should move this thread into the bug category imo.
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