Character slides across the ground when I'm not touching controls

I am playing on PC. I have tried using mouse/keyboard and controller. The problem occurs with both control options. If I am moving my character and the ntry to stop moving, the character will continue to very slowly slide across the ground in the direction I had been moving. If I tap the WASD keys or lightly nudge the stick on the controller to try to get the sliding to stop all that happens is that it changes the direction I am sliding in. It is very annoying. I found another post on the Funcom site detailing this same issue from about 8 months ago. Some people in the post said that capping your frames to 60 seems to fix the issue. I am currently running the game at a constant 144. It really stinks if I have to cap myself at 60 just to prevent this issue. Will this ever be fixed? I just bought the game last night and am now considering refunding it. If this issue can’t be resolved what does that have to say about the rest of the game? What else am I going to run into?

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Set fps limit to 60. Worked for me on two computers.

Just to verify: the problem does not occur when you’re using only controller, without keyboard?

Assuming you can verify what I mentioned about, the answer to your question depends on whether anyone ever reported it as a bug. If it hasn’t been reported either in the PC Bug Reports forum, or via the Zendesk bug report ticket, then it’s unlikely that Funcom is even aware of it.

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