Chest disapearing / loosing random stability

Game mode:Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE-Conflict
Mods?: [ No ]
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

Ok, so I’ve been upgrading my base for the past month or so. I mostly play one hour per day to farm stone and replace old walls with newer ones. Yesterday I realized I lost 2 chest near my alchemy station. OFC, these chests were stacked with bowls. I read online that bowls might make things disapeared, but I had no idea. So I lost 2 chests. This morning, I was upgrading fences that are far away from any of my chest. When I look at my log, seems that by destroying a fence that was no were near my chests, three of them lost stability and were destroyed. Again, these chests were stacked on bowls (when i first stacked them I had very few space). No lootbags at all. I lost ALL my tools, including a bunch of legendaries, a chest full of legendary armors, and a chest full of legendary weapons. Then, by accident, I remove a ceiling off the top of my base while trying to remove something else, and a brazier at the bottom of my base, this time a brazier that is only on foundations, also lost stability and was therefore destroyed. I thought it was only because I stacked bowls, but it looks like anything happening to my base might trigger disapearing stuff.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Build a base, then destroy parts of it. Put stuff on foundations or on wooden bowls.


Thank you for your detailed report. Can you please share the server number and in-game map location to your base? As well as the clan name.

Feel free to reach out in private via direct message if you prefer.

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