Chinese hackers on 1931, Funcom Apathy

Hello, to this is regarding server number 1931 for PC and clan named MD. This clan is consistently glitching and now even hacking the game. Today they hacked the game to the point where no one else on the server outside their clan was even able to play the game. I have no idea how they did but everyone else was unable to hit rocks for nodes, kill or be attacked by thralls or animals yet their clan was live streaming a raid of another clan the entire time who since has quit the server because their is no point in playing if you can’t even fight back. Please act on this, here is some evidence I would like to provide and I know many other clans on the server who have evidence as well if you request more:

First here is one of the clan members admitting to using BE Bypass in chat.

Here is the first of an entire series of videos I am uploading to show when no one was able to play for over an hour other then their clan which was live streaming their raid:

YouTube™ Video: MD can only play no one else can with audio part 1

Views: 7

Funcom or steam please take action or people will stop playing your game

^ also this youtube channel is just a series of videos which shows their exploits including others in chat who are experiencing the same issues as myself.

Here are some screen shots of them raiding while the rest of us are unable to do literally anything in the game besides walk around.

Here is a screen shot of them testing under-mesh, they did this in many different areas. and were making a “how to” for other Chinese. As well their main base is an under-mesh base so without cheating yourself you cannot hit them.

Here is another clan submitting videos of their Lag switch, clip meshing, and speed hacking completely seperate from me:

If this is not enough evidence for funcom to act against this entire clan then Conan will die due to your apathy. We literally cannot play on the server when these guys are on and there are many other clans willing to submit additional proof. I look forward to your reply and I will be forwarding it to others on the server as well as reddit.

Please do not take down my post again. It contains no foul language or user violation I will not screen shot it several times in case it is removed to advertise later if it is done so without actions. Myself and others have provided evidence and we require action. I would post on the funcom forum but it blocks me from posting links.

this is the link another clan from the server made on the funcom forum:


As well I have posted 3 times now on Steam forums and they are taken down. Now I will make a reddit forum. Please funcom stop sending generic messages and fix your game before it dies. Another player has posted on funcom and their forum was hidden as well> I have no doubt that funcom will hide this one too. Luckily they cannot control Reddit.

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Yeah if you dare mention the word “Chinese”, “exploiter” or their clan name in steam forums you are insta banned for xenophobia. Trust me, Ive been banned from steam 3 times for it. Steam forum moderators are nothing but power hungry children who forward the liberal agenda. You cant properly report people or a clan when they ban you for saying they are Chinese.

Sorry youre going through this, I know its a pain to deal with hackers and exploiters. Its more shameful that funcom cant have ONE admin that can go moniter issues like this on officials. It would seriously take 10 minutes to do.

I feel your pain…this seriously needs to be remediated!

But I had to LOL when I saw this:



JohnnyB5,you report me ,and whats the result ?
I already told you
1.That 1931 is American server ,and the members of our clan they are all live in China,so huge lag between you and me,even youre live in TAIWAN ,trust me,thats really not our fault,if you report us for this reason,you will be disappointed.Unless the funcom set this 1931 server limit ping.
2.Undermeshing base ,well ,this is a good reason to report us,but ,this is not our fault neither.All you can do is wait the fumcom to fix this bug,and before this,they can reply you ,ok,we have already received your report,and now, plz wait…blabla…as i know ,they will not ban you or give you a vac ban just because you useing the bugs,so…GG and have fun…

That is xenophobia, though. If someone’s hacking or using exploits then they should definitely be reported and dealt with no matter where they come from, but making a point of specifying their race or nationality is pointless unless you subscribe to and are trying to promote an Us vs. Them mentality. In effect, what you’re doing is saying “Look everyone, it’s them again, back up to their old tricks! I told you we couldn’t trust them!” Except “them” is an entire country.

and finly, building base undermesh is not your fault ? using glitch to have unlimited endurance is not your fault ? using glitch to go through door, kill newbie player Inside their base and looting using lag is not your fault ? using glitch to make disapear the name of your clan is not your fault ?

and so now you do the same on server offi 1932 ? raiding all newbies base and you think there will be no reaction when all players will report you ?

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True, unless it is the same people from the same country consistently repeating the process. Its not wrong to call out people like that if they are always from the same country like that IMO…especially when they stream themselves using the exploits to grief other players…which they all do. To the exploiters, WE (the legal player base lets call us) are the game. They have no intention of playing properly, they just use the exploits to grief everyone else.

Thanks for coming to the forums and admitting to using exploits and bugs to your advantage. Hopefully someone will swing that ban hammer on you.

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Wishing for that is like praying to Crom LMAO - but it truly needs to happen, lost a lot of friends over exploiters.


This is not Xenophobia I live in Taiwan, I speak Chinese, date a Chinese as well as spend plenty of time in China. I have screens shots of Finly and other Chinese saying (which you see he said it in this article even) they don’t see it as cheating. Anyone who has lived in and gamed in Asia knows that 90% of the glitching and cheating is done by Chinese players. That’s just a fact of gaming in Asia. In fact many other Chinese gamers hate this and have even resulted in violence. I know of at least one Chinese player on 1931 who received physical violence to him by other Chinese because of this(which I do not condone and think is ridiculous, It’s just a game). Funcom is refusing to act on this when you have players who literally stream themselves cheating and go on the funcom forums saying they do it. I’ve even tried speaking to them in Chinese about it but they don’t care. I’m done with this game until funcom decides to act against cheaters. I will definitely never buy another funcom game if this is the apathy they show as a company.

Finly by your logic you basically say “It’s not my fault I stole your car, It’s the manufacture’s fault for not making it more secure”.
Your logic is broken and you blame the victim.


I really don’t want to see the Chinese on a quarntined server. I have Chinese friends I play with who do not cheat. However funcom needs to act when there is a mountain of video and picture evidence to show their cheats. Also in the case of Finly, MD and their friends. It is not only myself who has sent in videos, reports and screen shots. It is many people. They have literally killed the server. It went from 2 weeks ago always being full during PVP time to now rarely having more then 20 people.
This is another clan with video and image evidence of their cheating. Yet his post is now hidden and MD still is able to ruin the game.

Try @Tascha maybe she can help.

Prediction: If @Tascha responds, it will be the same thing she says in all of these types of complaints…‘we’ll look into it’. Nothing is being done to counter these problems, they have their hands full with ‘other things’.

We got our eye(s) on this thread…

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And I’m rolling mine at your response. Action is requested.

Please do something, we have a mountain of evidence and you have someone in the thread we have accused of cheating admitting it. I understand that funcom does not wish to spend the money on server admins, however when people submit video and picture evidence (not just saying oh he cheated with no proof), should there not be a few workers dedicated to stopping these kind of actions? You’re the first person to actually pay attention to us from funcom much thanks. I look forward to your replies. I know several clans on 1932 and 1931 closely monitoring this.

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There is but I have no direct influence over this. I made sure it’s been looked at though. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

No it isn’t xenophobia, go back to your safe space.

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