Hello, to this is regarding server number 1931 for PC and clan named MD. This clan is consistently glitching and now even hacking the game. Today they hacked the game to the point where no one else on the server outside their clan was even able to play the game. I have no idea how they did but everyone else was unable to hit rocks for nodes, kill or be attacked by thralls or animals yet their clan was live streaming a raid of another clan the entire time who since has quit the server because their is no point in playing if you can’t even fight back. Please act on this, here is some evidence I would like to provide and I know many other clans on the server who have evidence as well if you request more:
First here is one of the clan members admitting to using BE Bypass in chat. https://imgur.com/xJRgC9X
Here is the first of an entire series of videos I am uploading to show when no one was able to play for over an hour other then their clan which was live streaming their raid:
YouTube™ Video: MD can only play no one else can with audio part 1
Views: 7
Funcom or steam please take action or people will stop playing your game
^ also this youtube channel is just a series of videos which shows their exploits including others in chat who are experiencing the same issues as myself.
Here are some screen shots of them raiding while the rest of us are unable to do literally anything in the game besides walk around. https://imgur.com/tE3664Dhttps://imgur.com/Lqdmhqk
Here is a screen shot of them testing under-mesh, they did this in many different areas. and were making a “how to” for other Chinese. As well their main base is an under-mesh base so without cheating yourself you cannot hit them. https://imgur.com/oa3FwTN
Here is another clan submitting videos of their Lag switch, clip meshing, and speed hacking completely seperate from me: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2p8cu72e128R_8aeyexPSQ
If this is not enough evidence for funcom to act against this entire clan then Conan will die due to your apathy. We literally cannot play on the server when these guys are on and there are many other clans willing to submit additional proof. I look forward to your reply and I will be forwarding it to others on the server as well as reddit.
Please do not take down my post again. It contains no foul language or user violation I will not screen shot it several times in case it is removed to advertise later if it is done so without actions. Myself and others have provided evidence and we require action. I would post on the funcom forum but it blocks me from posting links.
this is the link another clan from the server made on the funcom forum: https://forums.funcom.com/t/cheating-clan-named-md-using-exploits-cheats-hacks/41908/7