Circle of Power issue or not?

My friend and I both died at the Volcano on Exiles. Both my friend and I tried using the Circle of Power to retrieve our bodies. Only one of us was able to retrieve our body. This also has happened on Isle of Siptah. Not sure if this is a glitch or if this is meant to be. Any suggestion on what to do?


Leaving render range and returning or relogging usually fixes the problem.

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Ty, We’ve tried almost everything. Shutting down re-logging in. Rebuilding a new Circle of Power. Not able to retrieve our bodies has happened several times. Not sure what to do next. I’ve died and returned many a times. Sometimes returning is not the best option.

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It has unfortunately been an ongoing bug since AoS.

I have had success in returning to the death marker then home and it appears.

So my process:

Die/pull bracelet
Spawn at bed and go to CoP
No corpse
Map out and run to death marker
Clanmate says “there it is!”
I pull bracelet, spawn at bed and collect body


I will try not to sound negative game hater, but don’t use it.
Your body decays after 20 or 30 minutes, i don’t quite remember, it’s been long since i lost my loot. But the most recent was when i tried to use this thing. I was on Grey pools and i wanted to save time by removing my bracelet and retrieve my items from the circle. Well i lost both time and my whole loot.
Then again 4 weeks ago in exile lands one teammate decided to use it and guess what, it didn’t work :confused:. So he lost everything too.
It’s way easier and safer to go and retrieve your items.
So circle of power for retrieve loot? No thank you!
I do fix them because i use sorcery in times, they have amazing things, just not this mechanic!

A tip i learned from master @TINK was to remove the circle and the foundations, because your loot maybe hiding under.
Never try it however, i don’t need it!

Ps. Welcome to the forum m8, nice to have you around!

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