Cold pack for bearers amor refrigerator golems?

Had this crazy idea. Would be nice if we had refrigerator golems that would harvest eggs and meat.

Also, would be nice if you could put ice on the bearers so they could transport food.

Dumb idea or not bad?


How about a “drinking buddy” golem? (reference to Fallout 4 “drinking buddy”)
Not only can he keep beverages cold, but can make them too!

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None of both. Many similar suggestions have been dropped here in the past. There are more fragile things you need to carry in times, like bestial memory potions. And yes, if there are golems harvesting eggs, it’s pity to loose them i guess.
But, tbh i see them giving us easier eggs than mobile freezer :laughing:.

Good suggestion @Mustangblue2001.

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Those, and the Potion of Midnight are used in unintended ways in PvP, so it might be counterproductive to allow them to be stashed in a mobile fridge.

However, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t have a mobile fridge. Storage containers can exclude items, so Funcom could just prevent certain exploitable items from being put inside.

I know that I have wished for such a device in the past, but I can’t really think of anything I would use it for now.

I think just being able to turn any bearer into a mobile fridge by giving them ice would be too powerful, but having a unique cold storage golem torso would mean you’d have to build a golem specifically for that purpose. That might be fine for some, and if I were a dev implementing it, that is probably the way I’d go, but personally as a player, I would never construct a golem just for its fridge.

I member a time where things would not spoil inside pets inventory , but as @Tephra stated it had some unintended side effects as it’s usefullness was mostly for the bestial memory & other potions that was abused in pvp so it was patched out of the game

Midnight alchemy yes, bestial memory no! Don’t forget that when Siptah was presented the horses could carry bestial memory and natural learning potions without decay.
So take them out of pvp complaining. In a pvp fight until i think to open the horse inventory and gain a bestial memory i am dead. But to risk to get a midnight alchemy potion is something different, i may survive.
Having decaying potions that change your attributes tree is an effort of devs to protect the pvp they wanted people to play. But trust me, players don’t play pvp as devs thought people would play, that’s why they will never succeed balance in this option.

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