Ice Ice Baby...not cold enough

Just thinking about Ice…I think it would be a nice addition to have timer for items in your inventory increase if you have ice in your inventory. Maybe making the ice melt quicker would help it from being too O.P., but it was just a thought.

Anyways, still enjoying the game, keep up the good work…


Like the idea. @UncleWillie56

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I feel like preservation boxes should only double the timers of stuff put in them. Thus stuff with ice in a pack maybe like +10% as well.

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Personally, this one would have the ice decay in place of whatever else would have decayed.

Mind you, it’s already mildly absurd that ice melts (decays) in the frozen north with temperatures low enough to kill a person from exposure in under two minutes and food spoilage speeds are… curious to say the least.


Yep. Using ice as “fridge fuel” would be acceptable.


Would be nice if they add a bigger fridge also.


Na like the size of two improved fridges and like two walls high , like the arcane cabinet in size.

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On the player its inconvenient, for a server, its more load than a single container.

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Would be good if there was a tier 3 fridge, bit bigger with more storage basically

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I would make the improved last much longer, like real freezers. The t2 version would quadruple the timer. Just doubling it is way too short. This is not a cooking game.

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In the past, preservation boxes did not give infinite decay. When they changed them, it was actually really nice. I do not not think those who want to go back to the old system would like it as much as they think they would.

However, I have stated before and will again, that preservation boxes “burning” ice as fuel to maintain an infinite decay would be an interesting and acceptable mechanic. It should be quite a slow burn though, like a stack of 100 lasts a week or more, or else it would just become annoying micromanagement.


When game first came out, fridges only slowed decay timer 10x, and ice decayed as well. So every so often you would have to make an ice run with your black ice trip. Cant remember when they went full on freeze timer.


I say fridges needed to be a sorcery level. What sort of magic is this where you have a box that can harness the elemental power of frozen north. Next you will tell me we can mix dragonpowder into smaller controlled explosions that will launch projectiles straighter than an arrow flies

witchcraft I say and you all need beheadings.


You forgot disease free drinkable swamp water.:joy:


You must weigh the same as a duck.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


Remember when harvesting creatures they’d drop 4 heads.


Also the new lemurian and Derketo heroic treasure statues float :joy: grab one and go for a swim. Is this a bug or is it sorcery?

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I like my infinite decay timer preservation boxes, tbh. I don’t wanna go back to that old one that just extended decay timers a bit. It wasn’t that fun to manage, especially with the fact that you have pets now. I like to put things I’m not using currently in there for when I need them. Or when I stockpile hearts of a hero for bindings or corruption.

Fallout 76 only extends the timers on fridges and it’s not that nice. I never use them because I always forget about the food in them before it’s too late.


I agree. It would be nice to have a portable preservation bag on our mount followers that we could put ice and preserve decaying things that we harvest on our journey.

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