Game mode: Online Official Type of issue: Bug Server type: PVE Region: Oceania Mods?: No Edition: Steam
Bug Description:
I am playing in server #6405 & #1953 and was participating in killing NPCs during the community challenge to kill 50 mil NPCs. It’s mentioned in patch 2.4.6 that the community challenge rewards are available for Conan Exiles players. However, I couldn’t find the rewards in the Feat under Armorer or Saddle maker (screen shot at link below). Other players in the server confirming, in game, that they got them. The rewards are not found in other server I am playing as well, namely OCE #1953, Asia #1325 and Asia #6207. I also did game file integrity check, but found nothing’s wrong.
Screen shots:
Expected Behavior:
I expected to have the community challenge reward under Feat Armorer, Epic and Saddler maker.
If you select Armorer or Exile Epics and then scroll down on the list of things it teaches on the right, you should see the Barachan Reiver outfit pieces.
So there is indeed an issue with community event armors, all of the players on my dedicated server have the same bug. When you go into your feats and go to armorer and then scroll the list of items it allows you to build it has 5 additional Heavy Padding at the bottom of the list. I can confirm this for 3 players in total.
I’d provide a screenshot, but as a new user it won’t allow it. If you have this bug, please see if you have the same issue and supply some screenshots.
How perplexing. I’ve bumped your userlevel up one so you can now post screenshots. If you try to go to, say, an armorer’s bench, do you have the option to craft the Barachan set or is it just a bunch of heavy padding?
Yes we are using mods. I just disabled them and the Event Rewards show up. Turning the mods back on removes them again. So a mod is responsible for my dedicated server’s bug. We are currently running:
So modders if you are reading this update your mods! For those finding this thread turn off your mods, they may be the issue. Dev’s if this could be something on your end, please get it patched. Thanks to AndyB for checking in on this thread.
This is your culprit. Mod author made a crucial error. Their mod doesn’t require updating if they set it up right, and they didn’t. I notified them of their mistake already.