Conan exiles barbarian edition

hi funcom i just bought the barbarian edition and was told there was ingame content and a mount that would be comming later. iwas told i would get the royal armour but i do not have anything. i dont want the books or comics i just wanted the mount and royal armour. please can you help me or please give me a refund.
kind regards wolviee
server american. 1931 pvp.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

The Barbarian Edition is clear on what it provides. I don’t know who “told you that you would receive a mount” and the “royal armor” but you should have relied on the store page, rather then whoever informed you incorrectly.

To receive a refund, you need to go through Steam.

The mount is for Age of Conan

The Royal Armor was for Early Access iirc

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