Hello people of the exiled lands, I’m back to the game after a short hiatus after the latest updates.
I’ve come back with an objective in mind: to play the game in challenge mode.
But this challenge is not exactly your normal play the game on hightest dificulty. It’s in fact the way I’ve been playing for some time: play like you actually are an exile left for dead, you can’t craft everything on your own, you won’t be able to command thralls on battle. Only craft armor when you have blacksmith station ready, so you just spend a lot of time basically naked and with stone weapons, no thralls other than crafter ones and one entertainer to clean up corruption. I think it’s fun to make it to level 60 this way, of course without exploiting crafting recipe exp, otherwise why bother coming up with a challenge in the first place.
But I think it can be improved with the help of you people.
Before we begin discussing the actual challenge rules, lets call it the Barbarian Challenge.
Now the ideas I already have about ways to make the game challenging:
Non Fighter Thrall Challenge
One sure challenging way to play Conan Exiles is to play without using thralls, which would leave your to fight for your own, but I aways wondered about crafter thralls. If you play without crafter thralls it would mean slower crafting times and more materials used. Animals would be allowed since they are way more limited than thralls.
Non-Crafter Challenge
I recently had another idea about crafter thralls: you can’t craft anything from a crafting station if you don’t have a thrall in it, so no iron weapons untill you get that blacksmith, no armor until you get an armorer, so on and so forth. This means you have to make do without tamed animals and horses too.
True Barbarian
Another more extreme way to heighten the challenge would be to combine the No Fighting Thralls and Non Crafter challenges into the True Barbarian challenge: Acquire no thrall and only craft what you can with your own hands. You must acquire whatever else you need by looting it, be it from npcs or other exiles.
And lastly, it might be obvious by now, but it has to be said: play on official PVP server for this challenge.
Maybe we can include the objective to reach level 60 and finish all exile journey steps. Some of those are related to crafting something, they are still doable if you use another player’s crafting station.
So now you have it, please give your opinions on ways to improve the challenge.