Conan not showing up on Cloud gaming 2024, i own the game

I have conan exiles on xbox, i been plaing it and using a ally Rog x to play it when not home. As of the last couple days. I cannot find it on xbox game cloud ( witch allows me on the xbox servers) if i load the game just using the xbox app, it puts me on pc servers and the cloud gaming allowed xbox servers. Anyhow , i cannot find the game on cloud.

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Exiles is no longer available for Game Pass.
Meaning it is not available on the cloud anymore.

Yeah. It would be nice to know how much MS and Sony charge game designers to be included into their game pass systems. Without any other knowledge, it appears FC has determined the cost of maintaining game pass on Xbox is not worth it due to lower player base/revenue from these folks.

I’m actually shocked that PS is still there since it’s the same dynamic or frugal players getting a membership with lots of game access for smaller pricing. But maybe it’s due to ps has more players and so the percentage of players purchasing is the same but since ps has higher numbers, this pays for the ps plus fee and the rest is profit while game pass isn’t profitable because the player base is smaller.

Conan Exiles was removed from Gamepass in late November. If you purchased the game digitally, search in your Games and Apps and add it to your Home Screen game list to cut down on time

Gamepass covers PC and Xbox. It’s also way more consumer friendly than PS Plus. Remember, MS could, on a whim if they so choose, buy Sony outright with the cash laying around under their couch cushions.

The PlayStation version is very different.
The games included must be claimed during a specific window of availability. Just because Conan was available as a monthly free game, does not give access to it for free for anyone who didn’t claim it then.

The window was in April of 2019.
It may have had sales since then, but anyone that didn’t claim it during that one month would not have free access.


Isnt it on the ps plus list of games for the mid tier bundle?

Confirmed it’s on the extra and premium package lists so if you pay for these you get access to the game. Similar to gamepass. Ps essential is only the 3 games per month but time limited.

It is on the Premium list.
That is accurate.
Mea Culpa

That tier was added later (Summer 2022) probably aping the Game Pass system.

By default, PS Plus only had access to it for download April 2019.
They later renamed that tier “essentials”.

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