“Connection timed out! Could not find server” - via Direct Connect to Private Servers

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Crom’s Playground - Exiled Lands [UK] -
OR Directly via (or to
Mods: YES - but can access via SOLO without issue so NOT the Mods

Bug Description:

Cannot Direct Connect to Private Servers: “Connection timed out! Could not find server”.
The servers do not appear in Steam listing, so try Direct Connection. After a short pause, get the reported error message. This is the only message I have gotten back and have been trying since the Update landed on Thursday.
According to the Conan Exiles Admin Discord, other Admins have also reported this issue. No solution suggested.
The Host complany have not made changes that could have resulted in this on their side.
Until resolved, no players can access my servers at all, though we can all get into Solo play, etc without issue.
Host company have confirmed there are no issues their side, but that they have already received several similar tickets logged from others with exactly the same issue.

Bug Reproduction:

Try to Direct Connect using Server IP Address

I have the exact same problem!

It is probably the Ymirs Respite mod in my case.
Maybe you run that too

I don’t use that mod, but thanks. I truly hope it’s mod-related as then I can expect 100% once they all update. Otherwise it’s with Funcom - whose Devs and Proj & Community Managers are likely medicating with alcohol or and will only do fixes once the screaming dies down.

Silencio Ignassis and Funcom Support :slight_smile:
Yes, this was likely a Mod as I just had one update and now can get into servers - unless Funcom did some backend sorcery and fixed something. This ticket can be closed. Thank you.

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