Continued disconnects with Chapter 3 Update during fights on PS5

With the Chapter 3 Update I, and my gaming buddy, have the issue that during fights against multiple NPCs wie get disconnected all the time. During our last Purge I got a Server disconnect 8 times!
We both playing on PS5 and on an official PVE Isle of Siptah Server!
Please Fix this!!!


Same here on PC


Same here in PS5. Frustrating


I was have it on x box series x on fight whit red mother


have the same problem on pc


I’ve commented on all the threads like this that I see. It’s been happening since the update even before Chapter 3, I’ve seen @Dana around a few of them, but still no one seems to know what’s going on. All I do know for sure is that it’s affecting a large number of players from all consoles.

From my personal experience, this seems to pretty much only happen during intense combat, although I’ve had it happen just fighting one Wight.

It is almost constant during a purge. I had a Berserker Purge the other day, and got kicked over and over. Luckily it ended well, but it’s so frustrating to just keep getting kicked.

Like the OP, I’m on PS5 with a hard-wired connection to 1+GB per second connection. This update took 15 minutes to download, so I know it’s not the internet.

I believe it has to do with combat in heavily built-up areas of the map, mainly on Official Servers. It frequently happens when groups of NPCs do specific combos or skulled bosses do rotation moves (ie Red Mother tail whip and Rotbranch arm swing), but it isn’t limited to these times.

This issue may be game breaking for some (I can’t stop and won’t stop haha), so I really hope Funcom finds some kind of solution because it definitely changes quality of life while playing.


This started with 2023.02.07 Performance patch and has seemingly gotten worse with the following two patches, 2023.02.16 and 2023.03.14.

PC/Steam, game is kinda unplayable at this point with the knowledge that engaging in combat has a high probably of you getting “Connection lost”, and that even if you rejoin there’s a good chance it will keep happening repeatedly.


I have experienced those cuts mainly fighting repeatedly as you say…but my last two were just running out the combat zone to save my thralls. I expect an answer soon because I won’t play anymore until some explanation appears.


Hello everyone,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Could you please let us know if you notice disconnecting in specific spots on the map? If so, please send us a screenshot of the in-game map pointing to these locations.

Do specific activities/actions make this issue worse? If so, could you please let us know which ones and give more details?

Thank you in advance :smile:


Hello there. I belive one spot is the red mother dragon location on the isle of siptah. If i fight her the game constantly disconnects.
Like everyone i do hope this is fixed asap. Best of luck Thank you .


From my point of view the location doesn’t matter. This seems to be a generall issue. On the Siptah Map I 've been kicked on the planes near and on the Elepfant graveyard, as well as in other locations during NPC fights. Even in a dungeon.
The only way to avoid beeing kicked, seems to be sending only personal thralls into combat while viewing the action from a distance!


No specific spots. It’s mainly when are more than 3 o 4 fighters involved. The only way to avoid the disconnection is sending the thralls and to look the fight from the distance. Around the 50% of odds of bieng kicked if you’re involved in the fight.


My server 3052 , yesterday lost connection during pvp fighting, two opponents+ 4 or their zombies and me and thrall and horse. During the mayhem I lost connection 3 times , lost the battle this time but was a lot of fun although it would be even more fun without the connection losses.

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This does seem to be a general issue, at first I thought it was only with Rotbranch, as it happens every single time you fight him, but it may be based off the fact that the Rotbranch I fight is located in a heavily built up area of the map around Mounds of the Dead.

This issue definitely happens most often fighting larger groups of NPCs and very commonly happens as they are about to do some kind of rotational attack, whether it’s a tail whip, swinging arms, or just a jumping attack with an axe. This commonly happens to me while fighting Wight’s, Mammoths, and Rotbranch. Again, crucially, they are all located close to very populated building areas. When I go somewhere like the Frost Temple, I don’t lose connection even once.

The worst of the worst from my experience seems to be the Purge, while I may get disconnected in front of the Barrow King 2 or 3 times while killing everything there, the Purge can literally kick you 10-15 times in just a few minutes. It makes the Purge almost entirely impossible!


Fighting does it. I’m on an official server and it’s bad in the Summoning Place but I’ve had it happen along Noob River, up north and in Unnamed City. I dc’d 3 times yesterday morning over several hours. PS5, hard wired, 1 gb internet. There is still a lot of stuttering at times too.

Most of the time when I restart the game from these I’m right where I was and alive. Last week I was dead and in the starter zone, not at my bed nor bedroll. Glad at least that changed.

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Any place will do it with enough happening there. I had a rock nose purge under the waterfall near the white tiger boss. Disconnected at the start of 3rd wave when 10 or so of the one skull mini bosses spawned. Repeated disconnects to the point it was impossible to spend more than a few seconds in game before getting booted. Should probably consider NOT adding anymore content until performance and stability issues are addressed. It’s like bolting more add ons onto an already overloaded vehicle.


Unfortunately, regardless of location, this symptom is especially prevalent during combat, although it varies in frequency.

In terms of experience, it is especially likely to occur in battles with enemies that have large changes in depiction.

↑ is a distribution that was performed after the Chapter 3 update.
44:20, 56:25, 1:03:40, disconnected.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for this information! We have a few more questions if you have the time to answer them.

  • What Console version are you playing on? (PS5, PS4 slim,…)
  • Are you using a wireless or wired internet connection?
  • Does this behavior seen on Single Player?
  • If you are experiencing this in an Official Server, please share the Official Server Number with us.

These questions are to assist us in narrowing down what the root of the issue could be :smile:

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PS5, wired net connection 1GB, it happens in all official servers I play (3029, 3030, 8002). Didn’t test in single player.

I’m the one who uploaded the video.
My environment is below.
・Playing PS5
・It has not occurred in Single Play so far.
・The official server I mainly play on is #4064

  • However, it occurs regardless of the server.