So i just finished a session of playing only sorcery gear in pve. The challenging part was to reach to the point to gather the necessary without any weapon until i finally manage to summon an Abyssal maul or bow and the Abyssal armor of course.
This task was to push me to use sorcery even when it was completely unnecessary, just to see if this grinding of being a sorcerer does have a point in pve. Other than that every session has something new to give, i am always learning something new or do things i never tried and this is the best part of each session i create.
Although i win every level of purge relatively easy, this was not my best part. And unfortunately my best part had nothing to do with sorcery at all but with raw weapon less fights i did because of the rules i placed.
I fought a giant spider low lvl, if i remember not more than 30, only punching and kicking and i managed to kill her and gain my first demom blood. Or i did the same with Szeth, just for fun and i took his truncheon as the sweetest trophy of this effort.
Anyway back to sorcery.
Abyssal maul… Omg, what a weapon.
Abyssal armor… Same what an armor. Very important to mention here that Abyssal armor works as corruption stabilizer as well. You can go to any corrupted area and won’t gain any additional corruption and if you travel with transportory stone after tainted leaves, your corruption instantly goes to where it supposed to be, so no entertainment or corruption removal items are necessary.
Same goes to Abyssal bow…You do agility build and melt the jhil cave easily!
This gear in pve, no matter the vitality and stamina reduction, are making you a freaking beast. You almost one shot everything and on npc fights you have the absolute pleasure to squash their heads like bugs on the ground.
So sorcery gear has reason of existence in pve and if a player get use to play with it, he-she will be ruthless and invisible. However! In no case sorcery gear is better than the rest existed in the game, Again to defeat rockslide strength build is not an option, a player should invest in agility and no Abyssal shield exists on the game. Some fights are better to be done with shields in this game especially rockslide, so if devs consider more Abyssal weapons and shield would be really nice. If they give us an Abyssal agility sword too… I will be jumping from joy like a teenager! Think about it @den … Pleeeease .
Circle of power!!!
I believe that this part needs no feedback, players already use it a lot and it gave solutions to really frustrating situations we can see in this game. For example in one of my multiple attacks on Al Mera yah i died in the last tower. I spawned in my bed, i said what the heck let’s summon gear and go to continue. For my surprise the fortress had all the doors restored but no npc and no loot able battering ram in the whole fortress. So i returned home to summon my dead body too. This way sorcery gave me solution without using admin panel to retrieve. Even if the game cheats, i don’t feel right to cheat it back.
Undead rhino… Yes ! It’s a beast that worth the “money” do it guys and gals you’ll love it.
Abyssal mount… Disappointment . I don’t know what i did wrong, i really don’t. But it seems like a horse with really low timer
Why? I do understand that if i don’t ride the horse, ok, it feels bored with me and wants to go away. But when i mount it to decide just like that that it wants to abandon me? What comes? My experience was…
I start from summoning place and gain the sinkhole obelisk. I run to warmakers and gain this obelisk too. In the way to go in the mount of dead, i got dismount the horse is not mine anymore…
5 to 10 minutes ride? Really?
Disappointing! Of course i didn’t use it again and i don’t see me using it ever again, i see absolutely no reason.
How to put it?
I don’t know, maybe i do something wrong again…
That’s it.
Unexpected pleasure. I discover that while i wear the Abyssal armor even with no authority points, i can have 3 of them following me at the time, cool. Then again Al Mera yah fighters spawn and drop like flies and become equally and better than Berserkers. Very beneficial find i say. The greatest reason i loved zombies however is that they are dead! So their death cannot hurt me, simple .
Amazing purge casualty, extraordinary help especially in high lvl purges since they block the purge in narrow paths and give you the great luxury of time to observe what’s going on around or go and kill the star caller.
Cool. No Ofcurce i didn’t use golems for harvesting, i see no reason of this. Don’t get me wrong but if a player now decides to become a freaking bulldozer is very easy. I see no reason to put golems harvesting materials, none! If tomorrow devs decide to remove this option i won’t even notice it . One other thing i don’t do with golems is to take them as followers. So my feedback here is clearly as guardians and purge casualty. In this part i find them AMAZING! They fight and fall like heroes, great job! Plus i like the fact that they give you some blood crystals back from their carcass. The only thing i regret is that i didn’t try to make golems harvest crystals. Our devs are sneaky sometimes
, maybe they can harvest crystal. Who knows?
Cool… But necessity? I can’t say, strictly speaking for pve.
What i mean is simple.
Night vision. Argossean dream dust is doing better job if you ask me. Then again this dancing tinker bell spell has issue to be summoned again after you stop it. Does it has a cool down? I don’t know. However i used it for the first time and it was just okish.
Slow fall, handy, cool yet still unnecessary in pve. Example that i used the bat to go to the mountanier and get the recipe and i used slow fall to go down. I could do it without sorcery easily anyway. So generally spells have no actual vital reason in pve and they do not give any real benefits especially to veteran players. I don’t believe veteran pve players need to detect resources if you’re getting me.
So spells are just… Cool, nothing else! And for gods sake i don’t want to see nerfs in this game just to make spells useful (crystal harvesting) think deeper than that please!
Corrupted build…
If i say that i enjoyed mule kick and immunity on poisoning etc, will i be a bad person ? Now here’s the funny thing! Does these benefits worth the souls? Hell yea. I have mention multiple times that the AI of npcs and skeletons has been changed, they try to round you first and then attack you. So mule kick is your ticket to freedom from this situation, you kick up to three npcs in this situation giving you a huge exit from this rounding method. Then again… you simply play with them, you moke them kicking them away and having fun with them, awesome! Or you go to the giant snake and play with it… Oh you bite me yes… Really? Nah, bad snake. Yes you moke even this ruthless beast, awesome!
Corrupted Authority build is cool but i didn’t use it in this session, it needs no feedback, it’s very good.
However it would be nice if we could use the idea of @Kapoteeni and corrupt agility and rolling thrust has the old usage, yet if i had to choose between more Abyssal weapons and this, i would choose more Abyssal weapons.
Harvesting ritual blood and soul essence… In the lines of boring if i may say! It feels grinding and can become reason for a player not to play sorcerer. So it’s important to have a few rng options looting them from dead sorcerers. Please think of this too, thank you!
So sorcery is clearly a cool option, not game breaking yet no necessary at the same time. It gives you a good feeling playing as a sorcerer, but it’s a role you can completely skip in this game and when i say completely, i mean it. But i guess the target is to have fun while playing sorcerer and this target with a few additional things can be really exiting.
I have faith in you, make it more exiting please, thank you.
That’s my feedback for sorcery, better late than never they say.
Thanks for reading!
This is just having 50% corruption. 50% is the cap on normal corruption, so you can’t gain any more normal corruption, and when Tainted wears off, it goes back to the cap of 50%.
Glad you are enjoying it!
I think the FC way of showing love to sorcery would be to have more sorcery themed goodies in the bazaar, and that’s about it
One thing stopped me from wearing my sweet sweaty mighty beloved Aybssal Armor is its timer. There’s a great chance you log in and find the timer has less than 10min left and you need to kill somebody in a fuss. It put too much pressure on me like a timed bomb.
I admit it’s the coolest looking armor in game tho.
So you suggest greater timer i suppose. I agree! However it’s not so expensive to create a new armor. The only “heart breaking” is the ritual blood i believe since heavy paddling now is loot able in masses which i find fantastic addition on chapter 4. That’s why i suggested sorcerers to drop ritual blood or soul essence on death. Rng of course. Even world bosses or kurak could have it on his loot table, after all he is the sorcerer boss we kill, isn’t it?
So greater timer on Abyssal gear from @demonado, i am all in, thanks for your feedback brother .
Maybe They can use some legendary weapons for do It like "killing with balias , nortis , yog touch , mordus , ranissan ,corrupted axe or corrupted sword and having a empty flask in your inventory turn It in a sacrificial blood flask or soul essence flask.
You need to kill things with it following you for it to stay. It’s a murder hobo’s mount.
The point is that i did! Every horse one shots the gazelles or deers on the way. I zigzag while riding a horse and try to hit gazelles on the way all the time , you do remember the old arcade games, or maybe you were not even borned back then, but we use to have such games and i replicate this idea while i ride a horse.
Yet 5 to ten minutes it’s not correct, is it? Wouldn’t you prefer to have a timer like the Abyssal armor? The way it is now seems pointless, am i wrong?
I do remember the old arcade games. Good times.
I don’t think Gazelles count. I think it needs to be people.
So you don’t agree that it would be best if we had a greater timer for this horse? You find it balanced as it is?
Any answer would do, your requests and opinions are as important and respectful as mine!
I’ve personally never had an issue with it but clearer instructions would be nice. A player shouldn’t need to check a wiki or poll the community to find out how something works. Having a way to see how much time you have left on the sorcery horse/rhino/demon would be nice.
I can confirm gazelles don’t count, same for the weaker spiders.
I live by a spider cave, every time I needed to refresh my timer I went in and killed them all.
Nothing happens. Took me a while to realize it.
I really need them timers to double
I agree 100%, yes please bring it on. Yet allow me to continue the conversation here.
The utility is different.
If someone summons a demon, or a rhino it would be for killing stuff!
But the horse is different. And let me be more precise please.
In pvp players scout. They go around the map searching for new builds, body vaults or hidden loot. An Abyssal horse would be an outstanding companionship for this reason, simply because you don’t care if you’ll be ambushed and get killed. Or if you accidentally fall down from big height and both of you get killed.
An Abyssal horse and Abyssal armor with give you the opportunity to scout easier, to use all the sorcery spells and have no fear of loss.
Demonic creatures and zombies are dead already, so you don’t summon them to keep them alive but to sucrifice them and keep the living followers alive.
There for i believe that Abyssal horse, or demon horse, should not work the same way as the other demons. Horses are the faster transportation after teleport of course. I know that devs want us to fight with them too, that’s why they were op for way too long. But horse fighting is not something that exited me ever. Horse riding is another story!
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