Playing with the new Sorcery system, I went and corrupted strength, vitality and authority, 20, 19 and 19 points worth. I have a level 300 mod, so I have plenty of attribute points to spend. I’ve read that when you reach the 50% corruption limit from attributes, corruption spells should be free (as in not adding more corruption), but that is not the case for me.
Also, the corruption never recovers back to 50%. I cast a light spirit spell and it adds more permanent corruption. It only clears up when I log out. Dancers have no effect.
Is this a bug? Am I doing it wrong, or simply a mod conflict?
I use Multigun’s “max level 140” mod, and I’m not having any problems with permanent corruption exceeding 50 % when casting spells. So if it turns out to be that level mod, you’re not totally out of options.