I always got heavily corrupted pretty fast in the Unnamed City. Go stand in the building with the giant snake near the Warmaker, that should pile it on.
As I said above, 50% corruption suuuuucks. Also, can only be done at your base. I guess you could do the 50%, stand next to a dancer until you get down to 20%, and then tell her to STOP or run away.
not if u infuse… i did infuse stats ( tho dunno why it resets randomly) using magic combo with infused stats and new stats and if u have another friend in pve its basically u are immortal at 50% + gear
There is my stats ( idea not visual cause i dont remember names)
Level 60- 50% corrupted
Max at Vitality, Authority, Builder
Still searching good fit for armor cause one before i used to be immortal are changed…
Only Gloves of jhil or well bird ones ( stamina regen )
follower damage potion
Infused max on vitality (coruption)
15 at Authority ( because if i go max i loose 2 followers bonus)
So at end i can sprint almost infinite because of gloves, i use magic clone to lure enemy to attack only clone, i poke enemy so my 2 followers gain 3%x15 = 45% increased damage + 15% from potion + 30 % from gear on them and food…
So while enemy attack clone my 2 followers kill them and i am immortal - why , well not really, i still can die but i get 90% less damage because its like if i get 100 damage, it splits between horse and both followers and each hit my followers do heals me back % of damage they deal so i am kinda immortal
And about coruption - if u infuse yourself with souls only bestial potion will take it away ( maybe heart of hero also ) … and dancers wont take it away
Kill younglings. Though I built a zombie recruitment centre and sent 15 thralls over as volunteers. Presto, oodles of corruption and some liviing challenged pets