Crashing has gotten pretty BAD. Between my game crashing and server crashes I can't remember more frequent crashing

I really don’t know how to categorize random events over time but it’s frequent. As soon as I think I might see some pattern to it, a crash occurs in another time and place. It’s like ???. I’m no expert but it seems the push for content has over stressed the capability of software. Reign it back somehow?

I tried to report the fatal error crashing happening to me as well. It seems that immediately after the crash, your body takes a moment to go “unconscious” and can actually keep moving in game. This has caused me to die and lose gear when I return I am on the beach or desert depending on the map. I have not been able to pin point the direct cause either.

I hear you. That’s exactly the thing with me too. I end up loosing gear because I am in a compromising position. The Siptah server I play it currently down. I was standing on the Lloigor spawn waiting for it in the storm. What do you think I am going to be doing when the server comes back up? LOL

Start crafting replacement gear? That’s what I did. I lost my 2nd Final Breath of the Red Mother due to these crashes and I don’t have it in me to go farm her for it at this point.

All I could do on my end was file a report, verify my game files, and check that my Nvidia was up to date. Until this gets fixed, I’m not running with anything I can’t immediately replace.

Hello everyone!

We are aware of this issue and we’re currently investigating what is causing these crashes.

If you could please let us know in what servers this issue is most common and if it happens in specific areas of the map it would help our investigation a lot!

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