Game mode: Singleplayer
Problem: Sound is delayed, delay in resources derendering/breaking, MAJOR delays or complete lack of terrain rendering
Region: Snow/All
System: Xbox One
Connection: Wired, 500-600mb
Game has all updates
When the game first loads, the cut scene stops when the camera zooms in on his eyes. And from then on, the sound is late/no longer on time.
In game, sound occurs late, or sometimes too early - unsure if sometimes this is actually a delay in NPC reaction as I will be standing next to them and there will be a roar like they’re going to attack me, but they don’t move for a few seconds. Sometimes it is the reverse.
The snow biome as a whole either does not load at all or it takes a few minutes of me staying there. The Bridge of the Betrayer so far has not loaded unless I stand in front of it, restart the game, and then it’ll render.
When I break resources, almost exclusively iron and stone, there is a delay in derendering/breaking. There is a delay in sound here as well, like it won’t make the sound that I hit it until a few seconds afterwards and it won’t make the sound that it broke until afterwards too.
Unsure if these should be in separate posts, as they all seem a little related as delays, even if in sound, rendering, and derendering.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
• Start Conan Exiles opening cut scene
• Destroy resource
• Go to bridge of the betrayer
• Go to Snow Biome
• Walk up to NPC
• Anything that creates sound