Derketo Acolyte Armor visual bugs

Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [Visual bug]
Server type: [PvE]
Region: [Europe]

From T2 altair i maked derketo armor set for T4 Dancer, and when i put it on her, well visuals was ugly of dress, first of all it does not have normal movement, as it is on NPC who wear that armor set, they have it normally working, physics for NPC are working, but on player or Thrall acolyte skirt looks like nailed to legs, when u try to dance or dancers dance u can see that it breaks skirt textures so bad that its not only like its nailed to legs but looks liike pants…

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Get Derketo Acolyte skirt
  2. Use it on player or thrall
  3. See the textures and physic of it…

Hey @NeoTheMatrix

Thanks for the feedback, could you send us a screenshot showcasing this issue so our team can get a better look at what could be the problem?

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On dancers :

On me/players:

Edit line : On leg movement its bugging, but on just NPC who spawns with that dress all is ok, only appear if u wear it or make thralls wear it


Thanks for the pictures, they’ve been relayed to our team so they can look into this issue.

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