I been reading some gossip of a possible wipe to the Siptah servers before official release. You had promised the players that there were going to be NO wipes to any of the official servers numerous times and to these we hold you true to your word.
The players base, what there is left of it, is just holding on to see how the future improvements and fixes will be implemented. Many, like myself, have hundreds of hours of play time in Siptah and built some really nice, and time consuming, bases. Sure, most of this would not of happened had you not assured us there will not be a wipe.
So, for the sake of the game, which is the player base, do not do something stupid and wipe all their work. Or for certain the game will die.
They made that promise to the OG map, and they have done a very good job upholding that promise with the exception of BS that has happened due to malicious players.
SIPTAH on the other hand is literally built the size of a fortnite map right now, and if you have ever played a battleroyale before you would recognize that their original concept for siptah was built PERFECTLY for a 2 week/monthly wipe cycle. The fact that you have logged so many hour uncontested on a siptah server suggests you are probably gatekeeping what is already a very small island, and you should likely go screw off to your own PVE server, because your “build an empire to last forever” dream is just bottlenecking new players.
You should have never been capable of getting that attached to the island, it was built for maximum conflict. If you want to feel like you are building an empire that you can appreciate indeffinitely than go play on the original map, or a modded map, or just play PVE.
They are expanding the Siptah map in a very drastic way BECAUSE of player feedback that they got on the island. Funcom can’t tell you that you are wrong, but I will gladly remind you that you do not represent the entire player base.
Funcom has already promised that they won’t be wiping any of the Siptah servers, regardless of mode.
There’s been a lot of noise on the forums lately around a supposed server wipe and I’d love to know where that disinformation is coming from.
Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem with occasional official server wipes if the grind for building mats weren’t so incredibly tedious at official harvest rates.
If you really think that Siptah would be better on a two month wipe schedule, I strongly encourage you to find a private server with that or create one yourself.
I have no problem farming for the mats, but the RNG grind is what made me stop playing actively. There are people on these forums who have been playing Siptah since it came out and they’re asking if anyone has gotten recipe XYZ.
Let that sink in.
These days, I’m just refreshing my base and waiting to see if Siptah will eventually become worth playing. I was really happy with it in the beginning, because it made the progression matter in a way that is currently impossible in Exiled Lands, and because it had fun new challenges. Those challenges quickly soured, thanks to their rewards being RNG-gated. And yet, I kept playing, because I was convinced that the overreliance on slot-machine mechanics was temporary.
Now, they announced that they were abandoning the unique vision they had for Siptah, and it’s dawning on me that the slot-machine gameplay is most likely here to stay. I haven’t seen anything to give me hope that they’ll change the way we get recipes on Siptah. Worse, I haven’t seen anything to give me hope that they’ll fix even the most basic problems with the map: grey-flower lupin is still nowhere to be found on Siptah.
Now that they abandoning the Siptah-specific game loops, the best thing that could happen would be to establish a full link between Exiled Lands and Siptah, and let people ferry over whatever mats and gear and followers they want to. If Siptah is just going to be “Exiled Lands 2.0 but smaller and broken”, they might as well give us a way of letting us bring stuff from Exiled Lands to make Siptah worth playing.
If they did that, a wipe might actually help make things better
Personally, I think if they are going to let people go from Exiled Lands to Sipta, than maybe they should let people over to Sipta that have finished the exiled lands. Like, after you get all the stuff you need to finish the game, a screen pops up asking you if you want to continue this journey and go to Sipta or do you want to be free. If you say free, the game ends and you start over. If you say continue…then you go to Sipta. I don’t know, sounded good when I thought of it, lol. Sorry to interrupt.
Those that ask for a wipe are the same ones that all but stopped playing, never had a really nice base or just dont’t care about others gaming experience.
I can understand PvE and PvE-C with no wipes. but PvP servers need to be wiped once a month. This game is not fun if you sit inside a City all your days.
Yes I feel so jaded now having played for many months and still unable to find particular recipes or ingredients for recipes I did find. If they fixed some of these core problems first, things would be a lot better already. Also simple things like make perks actually perks, give archers higher accuracy starting etc… Can’t be too hard can it?
I’d be against the wipe, but I think one is needed for the data optimization. For example, all the flawless and exceptional variants are no longer needed, so all that can be cleaned out.
The gotcha is when the two maps are connected and one still has all the variants hard coded. Maybe best not to connect the old servers, but allow fresh new servers connect both maps.