Disappearing shield

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: (Single-player)]
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Bug]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvE]
Region: [US]

When you swap a thrall’s equipped item, they sometimes lose an equipped shield.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
1.Have a thrall equipped with a weapon and shield after leaving combat.
2.Switch their equipped weapon with a different weapon or tool.
3.You get the weapon they had, but they unequip and lose their shield(no longer in inventory).

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Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue. The shield is not gone per se, but goes to a thrall “invisible” inventory for a while. It should reappear in the normal inventory after a while.
Our team is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.


Thanks Ignasis, it came back after I relogged.

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Glad to hear the thrall didn’t smuggle it to Sepermeru’s thriving black market :slight_smile:


I’m just glad it didn’t get eaten by the same dingo that ate his baby.:thinking:

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Quick fix, drag another weapon over to the thrall and it will re appear…

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