I guess, in Funcom’s possition and with their reputation, a roadmap could help. It would show if they have plans for SWL and what those plans are. It could have vague dates (like “1st half of 2021”) but if they’d keep regularly checking things off that list and comminicate (no radio silence!) in case of any delays our perception of their actions would be much different.
The issue with the Nemain/KSR/Incendiary Grenade interaction is that nemain is meant to increase your aoe dps, primarly (one assumes) to help out in occult defence scenarios. Incendiary Grenade was such a huge source of dps for KSR users however that Nemain was giving them a huge dps boost even against single targets, which isn’t what it was meant to do.
agree with nemain change. But cruel delight now it is garbage. Tanks now have zero use for it because of very low crit, and for soloing it doesn’t make much difference. Well, i dont even know which signet is now good for tanking. Laceration will be also garbage for tanks, but best for heal / dps. Thirst is also crit dependant.
Try putting that in Rebalance Feedback and Bugs. Maybe they’ll look at it.
Cruel Delight is still the most efficient form of self-healing available to players for solo end-game content. For the cost of a marginal DPS increase from Laceration, you save yourself one passive or active heal to help keep you alive. It’s no longer enough on its own for survival in all solo content, but your weapon’s self-healing passive or a self-healing active should fulfill the rest of your survivability needs. Without Cruel Delight, you’d likely need a passive and active ability to survive, which comes with a greater loss to your damage potential than Laceration could compensate for.
Yeah, my feeling is CD is still the only signet I want in that slot (every other one is a miniscule 5 second buff with 15 second cooldown. I would only take something with a 15s cooldown if it’s significantly stronger over time than the one that can proc once/second) but it’s only about as good as the self-heal passives now, instead of covering self-heal needs on endgame content.
I guess I can live with using a healing power move to beat DA at level (hammer alone has enough dps) but I’d say the decrease in build viability is a bad thing. Needing 1-2 extra slots for healing, and already needing a cleanse and impair, you’re really getting down to “if the boss has the wrong combination, you don’t have enough active slots to beat it,” particularly for the weapons whose gimmick uses up a slot on dps (blade, fist, ~rifle/blood/elemental)
On the bright side, DA is still less of a grind than dungeons/scenarios/lairs, so I don’t currently have any non-4pip items and maybe by the time I do max out my gear and make new stuff, they’ll have rebalanced again.
da grind wouldnt be so bad if it wouldnt require ap/sp. tired of doing same missions
If you do your dailies or spend your keys first, you’ll have enough for it. I always do mine at the end of the day.
The only thing that needs fixing about dark agartha’s ap/sp costs is removing the capstones so new characters don’t have to spend an eternity grinding 40ap for a tiny stat boost (soon to be slightly less tiny though ) over and over and over and over
Doesn’t that still leave the costs for passivs in SP. It’s faster than capstones but there is still a ton of SP cost and over that AP that will collect dust.
or make stabilizing tachion purchasable like 5k mof
for maxed people there is zero point doing missions, i have tons of shards already
Though it would seem like replacing the AP/SP for DA would actually create a reason for you to run missions. It’s almost like they’re trying to create mechanics that encourage you to play the game…
I don’t know where the dividing line between “needing both sp and ap to unlock things” and “nothing but capstones, stretching to the horizon and beyond” is exactly but just stop the capstones somewhere around there lol, it’s not rocket science
Capstones are an utterly boring addition to the game that made the transition from “dumb thing that technically gives you a reason to keep grinding for a while after you’ve unlocked all the cool stuff” into “absolutely tedious chore” the second something else was added for us to spend ap on and they need to go.
I was just sitting around contemplating, and I think the main reason I don’t like the idea of separate tank+dps glyphing is it forces me to duplicate effort on signets+talis.
Starting from putting crit in weapons (I already did this; if you didn’t, a pile of 7 glyph exchangers can make it happen for you), 6/7 talis are gonna exist in 2 forms. There’s 1 tali that’s always hit, then 1 tali that’s crit power or hit, and 5 talis that are crit/crit power or evade/defense.
On the signet side of things, head signets are different (cooldown for tanking, damage for dps). Finger/neck/wrist are the same, and important in both roles. Waist is the same and more important for tanks (but not negligible to dps). Luck/occult are optional now with CD being nerfed into the ground.
So that makes at least 2 signets where I’m gonna be producing an exactly identical one just so I can wear a new glyph with it.
On the tali side, luck has a reason to be different, finger/occult is kinda open (all very near worthless in most content), head open (all useful in both roles) neck/waist/wrist probably want to be the same item cause they’re dps increases triggered in ways tanks have equal access.
Between the two that puts hit rating on the neck, and duplicated 4 talis and 3-5 signets. Fun new level of grind where I already have a red 20 Time and Space in a red 70 Brawler’s Belt, and I’m working on a red 20 Time and Space in a red 70 Brawler’s Belt so I can win with more healers.
I’ve been working on, I think it’s called Grounding Line, for tanking belt. Blazing Fury has that 10m radius AOE that’s nice for aggro (for me anyway).
The amount of xp needed to max red glyphs/signets should be drastically reduced tbh. If the amount of xp needed to get a glyph or signet to red 20 was the same as it took to get a weapon to red 20 then it’d feel way less onerous to do multiple sets.
Levelling red glyphs and signets feels awful because getting a level takes forever and then you get like, an extra 0.01% gadget cooldown or something. It’s the same feeling of putting in effort for no reward that you get when you’re levelling a second yellow anything for fusion
I don’t think we’re entirely sure what the new rate of levelling glyphs and signet is tbh.
So this change should mean that it’s quicker to level signets, and the extra tiers of scenarios over e10 will mean bigger distillates as rewards.
I’d hesitate to call it a drastic reduction until we’ve seen it in practice, but it should be a lot quicker.
I should have been more careful documenting it but I believe E10 is now 4000-4200 (in line with expectations instead of mysteriously all 4000s) and you get +400 each level above that, to 6800-7000 for E17. It’s about twice as fast between that and other changes to loot, if you’re able to run E17s.
Lairs and regionals are E4/E7 equivalent so far as I know which bumps lairs up to 1700 average (from 1600 max) and regionals to 2900 (from… 3000? I don’t know if 2000 & 4000 were actually equally likely) Maybe they made regionals E8 for 3300.
I think that lairs, regionals and MBs will all give the same reward distills now, which, assuming they haven’t nerfed the regional/MB distills, should speed up signet levelling considerably! It’s often annoying when you get more signet xp from running a few ODs vs running a full lair.
Completing the highest Elite tier dungeon you have available rewards two bonus distillates over a lower tier dungeon, and Elite 17 dungeons in particular can reward you with exclusive goodies that will help accelerate your progression further. But I’m sorry to say that I don’t remember precisely what these goodies do. Perhaps someone else could provide more details.