Do NOT nerf the Sword of Crom again!



I can see it now
 A field of pvpers waving their Noodles of Morc in the air, framing the pufftastic clash as the opposing sides tickle each other with their hello kitty foam bats. Then someone discovers how to exploit the formerly under-powered pillow weapons by using them to smother their adversaries instead of just hitting them with it and the cries for nerfs once more reverberate throughout the land.


Nerfing weapons won’t even scratch one of the current PvP metas, as it doesn’t use direct attack weapons.
The IED meta will only solidify it’s dominance and the game becomes a curious cosplay remake of Bomberman.


Heck, I might be interested in PvP if that turned out to be true. We loved playing Bomberman with my sister’s husband.

I blame gravity. Going down is a lot easier than going up. Just like going to bed is easy, but getting up in the mornings is not.

Alternatively, it may be caused by PvPers demanding the “meta” thing to be nerfed, rather than demanding that something else gets buffed. Of course, it’s also easier to change one thing that change a hundred, but that just leads to the next best thing becoming the best thing, solving nothing, until every weapon is nerfed to resemble styrofoam.

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There was a video posted about the double jump mad bomber build awhile back.

When we note that it is also an optimal build for infiltration and destruction of a base, it’s easy to see why it works.

It’s more like the Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League version of Bomberman, but it’s still the same concept.

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I really don’t believe the weapon was nerfed because of PVP. The patch notes for it indicate it was made useable by thralls again which implies PVE (unless you all want to make the case that sub 4k health thralls are effective PVP tools). It was also normalized to be useful for every encounter as @Jimbo stated.

It was a PVE change that was also PVP-friendly, meaning its impact on PVP was low.

There was no meta behind the Sword of Crom. Someone making a thread because they lost to a guy using one on a bad dueling server isn’t enough to get a change in PVP.

The problem with normalization is that it made the sword like any other two-handed sword, and that makes it boring.

While its thrall limitation was a bit annoying (and had issues because there was no indication outside word of mouth that they can’t use it), the fact that it was a hard hitting weapon that used a ton of stamina made it a viable weapon where in the past it was only a thrall weapon. There shouldn’t be ‘thrall weapons’ just weapons thralls use.

I think they should have left it in its Chapter 3 state and made it apparent that thralls cannot use it. Or even make it so it cannot enter a thrall’s inventory. This would have left it in as a unique weapon for those who wanted to use it. For those that don’t, there’s the disassembling bench.

This was one of the few weapons where some people liked and some didn’t. Now its just another disposable weapon for those who happen to like using 2 handed swords. I understand why such a weapon might be overtuned for thralls (who don’t have stamina) but this was the wrong way to handle it.


Thanks Tephra I appreciate your support and solidarity here. :+1:

And you know what, if this trade off would mean that it gets to retain its old stats then I would support this. It is nonsensical that our character is the only person in the game who cannot swing it like crazy while thralls can. That was never an intended feature per se, more of an oversight. And I recall after this came to their attention, Funcom tried to give thralls a pseudo stamina, aimed at giving them a ‘cool off’ period of sorts between attacks. I understand that people want thralls to be able to use it again, and I am not opposed to this. But if I am faced between 2 choices 1) it being a good weaoon for player use, or 2) it beinga good weapon for thrall use, then sorry thralls but TS. It is the Sword of Crom, not the Sword of Thrall. There are dozens, possibly even hundreds of other good weapons available for thralls, without destroying one of our only 2 Crom weapons in the game. Which logically leads to this point

Very well said indeed. Coming from the forum’s chief Crom researcher and zealot, not only did you walk that tight rope with style, you finished it with a backflip like a true showman. Neither the Sword of Crom nor Crom’s Hammer come from Crom himself, they were forged by men. But the fact they carry his name even if as nothing more than a tribute, makes them endearing to us as his faithful devotees.

For CROM!! :mountain_snow::metal:


My religion of choice when making a new character, regardless of map, is ALWAYS Crom.

As perhaps average in terms of PVP combat skills as I am, I can confidently say that the SoC has not needed any nerfs. If you get 1 shot by it you need to git gud.

It has certainly been plagued by the over zealousness of “balancing” but as with most of those it always overextends or outright makes the item inconsequential.

The weapon itself has not been the problem. I’ve been reading during my work breaks today so I can’t recall if it was mentioned in this specific thread, but I agree that the problem is always in attributes and how it interacts with the items.

So afaiac we need to revert it back to its original glory.


Yea i know!!!
But i used my whining right in here :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Darfari nerf and sword of Crom nerf annoyed me a lot

So someone has to take the fault :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I had to blame someone you know :stuck_out_tongue:.
But you’re right 100%.

Absolutely @DanQuixote. :+1: And I am glad yourself and others are drawing attention to this. Even if I cannot persuade Funcom to listen to reason and yes, the majority here, perhaps I can get the RNG some greater scrutiny. It is an absolute blighter to get it to drop. It took me over 5 months of farming Unnamed City skeleton bosses to finally secure one. So when this is coupled with the poor drop rates and inability to raepair Legendary weapons now, well
I will leave it up to readers to offer up their own descriptive terms to appraise the situation.

Spoken like a true prodigy. :wink: I am very grateful for your support DanQuixote.


I was also experiencing bad Sword of Crom rng and had Xevyr check the loot drops. However, he confirmed that every legendary still has the same chance and Unnamed City bosses now have a 100% chance to drop a legendary (I’d forgotten they changed that).

So there is 1 Sword of Crom out of 23 possible legendaries from all of the humanoid undead, giving it a 4.3% drop rate.

It can seem rarer than that, but the rng gods are fickle creatures.

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And you have mine @Keldy :mountain_snow: :metal:

Quite alright my dude. We can unite under a shared banner of keeping the Sword of Crom strong, and saying “enough” to the constant knee jerk nerfs put out to appease a noisy minority.

Exactly! This was its true ‘quirk’, high risk as a result of high damage to high stamina drain. Not this lame wad low durability “quirk”, that is like describing a car with a broken axle as having a quirk. :man_facepalming: I carry my Sword of Crom with me (almost) everywhere. And while there are certain battles I wouldn’t use use it, e.g.- against the Rockslide, it was a weapon which required skill and care to use effectively. Thanks again @Keldy, I appreciate the support.


My 1st sword of Crom took me almost a year.
Yet back then it wasn’t like it’s after the age of war update, now

I know these skeletons drop a lot of things, yet they are not only 4 now, they are 5. The one in warmakers dungeon drops exactly the same things the other 4 are dropping.
It’s still rare, just not like it use to be :woman_shrugging:t4:.
There is however one thing that nobody will ever accept in here no matter if i say it many times.

For one character to see everything is almost mission impossible.

The reason i see everything and i find everything so easy is because i often play new sessions with new characters. Rng seems to favor in some items a particular character and in some other be a completely b
ch. I remember searching in one session for a freaking love tap and getting none. A friend invites me to her server and with this character i got 6 love tap in 2 days :woman_facepalming:t6:.
I have heard that there not such thing in the dev kit, or this is not how rng works.
 If you say so!
So i believe everyone who says that it’s rare or invisible for him-her, it’s true! I experience this situation hundreds of times, not once, not twice, hundreds!
But what do i know?


I agree entirely - that matches my experience as well. Every character I play seems to find some weapons over and over, but others escape me for the entire playthrough. This playthrough I think I have only one Baal-Pteor’s Razor, but ‘normally’ I seem to find lots of that one. But I do seem to have a lot more Predatory Blade and Zhaibar Knives than usual. For me there are two that seem to be always rare (but maybe I just haven’t started the character that will find them easy) - Musashi’s Black Blade (no longer a problem with chapter 3) and Sword of Crom (still not dropping for me - maybe next character, lol). There may be nothing in the code that explains it - it may just be ‘luck of the draw’ - but we can only speak of our experiences :slight_smile:


I have find a way to defeat even this, but you aint gonna like the way. Defeat the same boss 14 hours straight :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. I remember @Talyna fixed a wonderful role play story that the objective was to find the blade of seven wings and escape the lands. I did this in an official server. I start it the night before and the next day i had high fever but it wasn’t Corona virus. So i stayed home. I was a zombie, the fever wasn’t dropping so i opened the Playstation at 9 in the morning. At 23:00 it dropped .
I was a zombie still, but now it wasn’t the fevers fault :rofl::rofl::rofl:.


Someone once told me that the commander boss in the unnamed city dropped the “ mask of the night stalker” so I started farming that one doss and all I remember was constantly getting sword of Crom drops and no masks.
I must’ve thrown away roughly 10 or so swords when I finally got that damn mask. I did keep one tho but never really used it
. Ah The RNG gods work in mysterious ways :grin:


So true. In order to use this legendary devs must decide to minimize the weight, make it 0.5 tops. This way a player may consider to carry this mask along. Then again, the exquisite silk we gain, they should weight really low to have a reason of existence. Plus, we need light legendary gloves! I don’t want to use brute gloves, they are medium and make my character slower than i wish.


I largely prefer Siptah’s eye patch with the same effect. Can’t remember the name

I wonder if we can get it on the EL presently. Do you know, @stelagel ?

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The night stalker mask is EL and the Blindsight is Siptah if I remember. Ether way iv transmogrified it into a hood to go with my dragon scale helm hood and my sandmask hood.
I like hoods :grin:


Downside of blindsight from siptah is it has extremely low durability.
Wasn’t much of a downside before with easy repairs but it’s a pretty big one now since it’s legendary.

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