Do NOT nerf the Sword of Crom again!

Question here for Sword of Crom experts

I’m applying kits to all my swords of crom as recommended by @Xevyr and others

I checked and I have 11 swords of crom so lots of kits to apply but not all the unkitted swords are the same. So I’m curious…

Most are 100 damage, 22% armour pen, 450 durability, and 5.25 weight.

Applying master weapon fitting gives 105 damage and 34% armour pen so that’s expected.

One already modified sword has 106 damage and 22% armour pen so somebody applied the advanced weapon damage kit. So that makes sense too.

One modified sword has 96 damage, 34% pen, 5.25 weight, and 1,200 durability. How? Which mod is that?

And now the weirdest one: an unmodified sword of crom has 100 damage, 22% armour pen, 5.25 weight, and 2,398 durability. How??!?

Thanks for any info!

The sword’s stats have been changed many times. You have some older versions.


Ok thanks

I was part of the server migration 2-3 years back so I didn’t think I’d have any old stuff. I guess I lucked out and found an ancient one in a raid or whatever :+1:

I’m glad someone who’s not me opened this thread.
You have my support.


And I am glad that all of the other good men and women in our community such as yourself, who are not me, stepped forward to lend your support to this thread. It means a LOT, thankyou @JohnnyWylder!




So what is the effect “By Crom” with chptr 4?

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It causes you to look at the nerfed sword in your hands, slowly shake your head and mutter, “By Crom…”

It does nothing. The effects in the description are just text written there by the devs. They can say anything they want them to say. A weapon that does cripple could say bleed in the effects if that is what they wrote.

This has been my experience with SoC as well. I feel that through the most recent iterations of the game, stately all updates post AoW Ch 2’s Hyperarmor nerf, I have had a lot of trouble finding it viable to use. After this update, if stats remain as were previously indicated, it’s going to be nearly generic in terms of its stats. My personal take is that there is no appeal to the weapon in that form. One shot attacks will be tougher to nail after the update as well given the new Stamina changes. Using a Weapon Oil is laughable at this durability as well. Where’s the good part of the sword- is there one?

At this point bringing the blade out to PvP combat feels to me like you’d be better off just delivering your kit to your opponent.

All this said, you definitely have my support too, @Croms_Faithful.


:brazil: Conan Exiles feedback
Que CROM tenha pena da alma dos DEV que fizeram o NERF na espada sagrada
:raised_hands: :pray: :raised_hand: :raised_back_of_hand: :crossed_swords:



I would like for them to just leave the sword of Crom alone or at leas restore it to what it was at the cost of limiting all thralls using two handed weapons to walking speed :grin: the sacrifice of agility for strength. This is however coming from a single player point of view and PVP players may have a different stance on the matter but this is just my 2 cents at the subject. :wink:


I wouldn’t mind this suggestion either. It would also by extension give thralls a rather imposing look as they slowly marched towards their targets to usher in the pain. I appreciate a look at this from a PvE perspective as well- I find it upsetting when one side or the other is left without consideration because either way it effects me on a PvE-C server.

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Nobody would equip 2h weapons on thralls. Good for RP, but nothing else. You already run circles around them. Imagine them only moving at walking speed as soon as they draw their 2h weapon. :smile:

We are gonna run rings around thralls no mater what but it’s that chance of getting one hit when you let your guard down or not paying attention that is gonna sting.:face_holding_back_tears: they could also remove shield protection so if the sword connects your shield will not help.

:laughing: true, but it doesn’t need to be that easy.
About the rest, interesting ideas.

I was under the impression we were talking about this single weapon doing this. I may have misread haha. Not necessarily a walk either, but a slightly slower pace I suppose.

Gods, no! :smile:
They are already terrible.


Ok it doesn’t have to be walking speed but walking sprint speed maybe. :grin:


As much as I want to believe that we can have an amazing Sword of Crom again, I fear that we are only going to have one powerful SoC…

And it’s a shortsword.

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles

Isso aqui que é uma espada incrível ainda espero ver uma espada assim “Estilo samurai X” e dentro do jogo pesada sendo arrastada com apenas uma mão e que use as duas mãos quando aplicar os golpes :stuck_out_tongue: