Does the Ice Bridge no longer work off itself?

Hi all,

So i used the Ice Bridge today. I love that spell. But today when i tried to link some together as I have done before, i got a message saying “you can’t do that”. I tried it a couple of times and could have two cast as the same thing, just not joined together.

So i have to ask, did this get changed for some reason?If so, it drastically reduced the effectiveness of the basic spell. I remember crossing over a vast amount of Sepermaru just after launch and it was fantasticly useful, especially if you don’t want to go all the way to a bat demon which got roleplay reasons i won’t do with the character.

As a side note, I think the new witch hunt event based at the forge of the first men now disables the ability to pick up the location for the Gem in the Tower achievement. I couldn’t get I to register at all and it’s the last i have to get. I’m sure that once the event is over it will come back. Love that particular event in that location by the way.


*edit… also is there a reason you can’t emote whilst walking? (“Cannot emote in your current state”) Since it seems rather than animating interactions they seem to be going for the emote everything idea.

don’t think it was intended to icebridge to the moon. I believe it was fixed for obvious reasons

Well, I respectfully disagree.

I don’t play PVP myself but the functionality of the spell is now on the level of useless as not all gaps are made “that long” and it did require resources to keep extending it, not to mention having the potential of failure.

I understand that some people abuse things and for those, resources sometimes aren’t an issue, but does that mean that the rest of us should go without a a result of this nerf, stealth or otherwise. PVE exists and many happily play this way.

I just think something that was a feature (in my opinion one of the best since Age of Sorcery launched) shouldn’t be nerfed because of the effects it may have had on PVP servers. Even if this is the case, there was the Bat Demon and both could be broken with a single arrow so I don’t see how this change is the solution if that was the problem.

Or maybe some people just shouldn’t abuse everything so that others don’t get what they paid for.

No need to blame pvp. Funcom does what they want but I’m willing to bet they didn’t intend on making ice bridges stack on each other especially when they keep disappearing under you so you’re pretty much floating up in the air. To me it was a bug that they fixed. It’s literally the cheapest spell there is and it defied all stability.

And they still can but the bridge was very clearly a bug.

I agree things shouldn’t be abused but that’s gaming for you. Sorcery was free.

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Well that’s your opinion and your welcome to it. As i said, I respectfully disagree with you.

I tried very hard to not sound as if i was just blaming PVP as even though I don’t play that way any more, I know that the PVPers of this world have a legitimate say in these things so In try to be respectful. Sorcery may have been a free update, but i still paid for the content I’m enjoying that is the base game plus whatever other money/hours I’ve thrown at it over the years.

I don’t see it as a bug that needed to be fixed. Stability is a building thing and it has its place as a “character building” feature of the game and I’m glad its there. But sorcery is a different thing. If you apply the same logic, you shouldn’t be able to slow fall either.

Anyway, I think it shouldn’t have been nerfed/fixed or whatever you want to call it and I’m sure that I’m not the only one with that opinion.

Ok well remember you asked

I gave you a very reasonable answer that I believe most will agree with but until funcom tells you, they are only opinions and that’s all you will get.

Bug got fixed. It’s just another case of people bringing up bugs that funcom admits to. Like lighting/lance/Katana ect while not everyone will agree they have all been deemed bugs.

Yes, that does work both ways :slight_smile:
In this instance I agree with @Capt_insano0 and I’ll go a step further, I don’t think that spell was ever meant to be chained even for PvE as it’s just silly… might as well give people a flying spell then… (oh wait… …)

I also don’t think your “RP reasons” warrant… well… pretty much anything really… especially not having the game balanced around that…
RP can be nice and fun, but you are making deliberate choices to either do certain things or don’t… a lot of times it falls completely outside of the realm of the game and its intended mechanics… which is why the vast majority of RP players are in the PC sector where mods can tailor the game to their fantasy.
(Don’t get me wrong, I mean absolutely no offense by any of this, I merely brought it up since in your original presentation you seemed to have made the argument that you do not want the bat spell for RP reasons and THAT is why you would need this to have the ability to be chained)

As for the spell itself, I can tell you that atm I play PvE and it’s my favorite spell… and I never needed to chain it.

Here’s an idea though of other ways you can cross over Sepermeru… on the ground?.. on a horse?.. like… of all the uses of ice-bridge, this example seems the most pointless :slight_smile:

The spell is still useful and there’s a LOT of places while exploring where you can use it as a shortcut or to avoid climbing.
For example you can get up to the watcher without having to climb by approaching from where the brute is and bridging the gaps:

I used it to casually climb in and out of the sinkhole to learn the dragon tablet without doing the arena:

I used it in the jungle and other places while exploring to traverse silly gaps where I would’ve had to climb a bunch (in this particular instance I jumped back down afterwards, but originally I used the bridge to traverse that gap)

And these are just the ones I have pictures of… I used it far more times and it’s a really cool and really fun spell… Chaining it might increase its overpowered factor by a LOT, however imo it reduces its “cool” factor

(on a side-note @Capt_insano0 it’s still irritating that you bring up the katana as a bug when it was very clearly proven that it was no accident… at this point it almost seems like you’re deliberately spreading propaganda :person_shrugging: but whatever… I agreed with what you said in this thread, but that’s the point where you lost me again :smiley: )

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Maybe I misunderstood but didn’t the devs say it wasn’t intended to register for multiple hits for the last attack? Similar to the lance? Either way you get where I was going with it.

Most certainly am not


Well… what Ignasi said was that there was an “issue” with it and I fully agree with that statement as the damage could get pretty crazy on it :smiley:
But I also spent a bunch of time prior to that trying to figure out what was going on and I’m just not buying it that it was some accidental bug, it seems way more like something they experimented with and once players started min-maxing for it and it became a heated topic, they just went back on it and scrapped it. At least that’s what I think happened.

Now despite that, afterwards I had several PvP players just ignore all those findings and spread it as a bug. What’s the difference you ask?.. since it got changed either way. I’m not trying to be dogmatic or unreasonable about this… I was merely trying to avoid it be weaponized in the future, since as you can see you’re already listing it as a “that was a bug too” in order to justify another bug, when in reality these things very rarely have any relation between them. :smiley: So that’s it pretty much… was just trying to avoid future discussions where it’s thrown around under the same hat as the lance and other stuff.

I apologize though if you weren’t aware of all this.
In any case, this post is off-topic so I’ll leave it at this before we derail this thread and make it into another katana thread :slight_smile:

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Fair enough


At least you need to be happy that you can do any spells. On playstation it’s still not possible after 4 month now. I only get a freeze and bluescreen on every spell

I think i finally see where our disconnect on bug is. The effect itself was not a bug, but instances where it bugged out were prevalent and abused. And based on the fix, means they could not code a way around the unintended times it bugged out. So no, the entire design was not a bug, but because it bugged out enough to cause 1 shots etc, it was fixed on a macro level instead of the micro level. Pretty much all bugs are designs that really have sporadic or unfixable areas within it that require the whole mechanic getting washed to fix.

Yes, RP is nice wether it’s PC or no and maybe you’re right suggesting that my calling it useless is just me not seeing its full potential. I’m glad you’re getting a lot of use out of it.

I just want to clarify something here though. I have about 15 characters and with this one, I chose to limit the use of Sorcery. I have several others that make use of the bat spell on regular occurrences and I love it.

My example may be pointless, but it’s just an example and the only reason it occurred was for whatever reason I chose to do it on the day. I was actually testing in out on testlive if i remember correctly.

But that brings me back to my initial point. Of all the things to change and “fix”, this is something that I liked and if it’s a silly as you’re saying I’m entilted to that. After all as it’s been said, it’s the cheapest spell in the game and if i feel the need to cross Sepermeru on a flimsy ice bridge then I’m just enjoying my game.

This is why in bringing it up on the forums, because it’s feedback. For no apparent reason, my quasi-sorcerer had been limited by the funcom gods to not be able to do something which has done before.

Maybe they should focus on fixing the other glaring issues then removing choice of how I play the game. It wasn’t hurting anyone was it?

Besides, it’s nowhere near as silly or being used outside its intended purpose as something like players building thousands of fish trophies to power level through the early game. I can see why they would change something like that.

Except you did so in the bug report forums and not the feedback ones, probably why others have also said this is not a bug, but rather a solution to a previously unhandled, but unintended use of this feature.

Either way, I can assure you that developers don’t just throw work at the game accidentally. If this was changed to where you now get an error message in this exact scenario, then that did not appear by accident and somebody worked to make it so.
As such, that should answer your question on whether or not this is the direction the designers had in mind with this spell.

I merely said that I agree with that choice even as a PvE player and while you specifically might miss this particular aspect of it… these things happen and it’s understandable why it’s happening, even you brought up PvP as a reason where this bridge could be used to approach bases for raiding even more awkwardly than with bats.
But even despite that as a general logic aspect… there might be as much if not more players who find being able to cast a “bridge” spell from thin air and chain that as some sort of magic carpet extremely immersion breaking or consider it an exploit even for PvE.

And as we all (should) know… one exploit / bad design choice / bug / etc. does not excuse or justify the existence of another.

And I’m sure they have supervisors and bosses who tell them exactly what they should or shouldn’t focus on…
I would also like to point out that just because somebody uses something does not immediately validate it. I am sure a lot of people were also very happy to CHOOSE to play by exploiting with that well duping tactic… it does not mean Funcom should suddenly slap a “feature” sticker on it and leave it as is…

Bottom line is this, I wasn’t trying to argue or anything, but like you said… this post is basically a piece of feedback so pretty much the equivalent of "I preferred being able to daisy-chain ice bridges… " and it’s not the type of thing that you can explain away into becoming a bug with your own personal RP habits. At least in my opinion, but you are more than welcome to disagree with that as well :man_shrugging:

We also had people who used other unintended features that are now not working as they used to starting from fish traps in wells to cheat console commands not saving on thralls so you’re not the first one with similar issues and I do understand the frustration to some degree… what I am trying to say basically is that you should also understand why the change might have been made.
(I’m sure you’re more reasonable than the guy earlier on the steam forums who was upset that Funcom did not stop the decay timers on official servers during the period when they personally had prolonged power and internet outages due to storms in their area… )

Cheers :slight_smile:

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Okay. Yes, I got an answer to the question and apparently a whole lot more of other discussion which is a got a lot deeper than the intended question and is well outside the topic

It is feedback and I don’t wish to argue or validate my point any more so if it’s listed as a bug, then that’s my own fault for not putting this in the feedback section.

Yes, I would like to “daisy chain” at least two to three bridges together and I’m sorry that you find that immersion breaking.

But it doesn’t change my opinion that it should be an allowable feature and I am aware that these changes occur because somebody worked on it. But obviously I don’t think they should have.


Nothing about or against you, just a general “wtf Funcom”.

They should’ve never released on consoles if they can’t handle them. And they clearly can’t.


Yep, it’s a sad state of affairs. I watched my brother suffer for owning a console. Especially with the Siptah release. I didn’t know about the sorcery one as well.

So ditto that and i hope that get that sorted sooner rather than later.

You are completely right about this. But I don’t think they will give up consoles.

That’s where people can not use mods and have to buy everything at the bazar now.

It’s a little bit sad that my friends don’t play on pc.

I have it also on steam and have a great gaming PC with a 3090ti. Need this gpu power for my work so its not a waste that I am still playing on ps4 :joy:

Maybe in future. I am still hoping to get my friends back again… On release we were 5 and had many fun even with the bugs. 2019 we had a server at gportal. Gportal give us the amount of two month back because it was unplayable even on a clean server. Then they came back and we played on a pvec which gets this never ending loading screen for more than a year.
August this year… I was advertising the sorcery update. They came back and we get banned for building abuse but don’t know for what and don’t want to go into details about this because it’s not allowed here. We get only a 5 days ban… Thanks to funcom for this… we don’t lost anything and where back when sorcery came out… funcom lost all of them in the first month of sorcery… The first weeks our base was invisible… I don’t know if I can get them back again. But at the moment there is no reason to try it, because the game don’t work on playstation. I am the only one with a ps4 but the problems are the same on ps5. I am the only one stupid who can’t get enough of this :slight_smile:

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