Eldarium Recipes in Exiled Lands

This is mind-numbingly stupid. Why is it I can find Eldarium-required recipes on the exiled lands when there is no freaking eldarium? What a ■■■■■■■■■ waste.

Is this how incompetent Funcom is? They can’t even have fragments on Exiled Lands only pull from EXILED LANDS GEAR? I have several Eldarium-required weapons, and no way to get it–yet I have the knowledge to craft it when I have zero way of getting the resource without spawning it in.

Get your shit together Funcom, ffs. And yes, I am calling this a bug report, because as far as I’m concerned, that’s exactly what it is.

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Scraps from supply boxes. Try the flotsam floating in the water in the Dagon dungeon


As I would like to have all the stuff from Siptah ported to Exiled Lands, yet another resource/material would be too much as these that already exist need more love and balance.
I did that already, I made custom spawns wiith Siptah enemies dropping Eldarium, I made delving benches available to other players. It was too much imo.

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And I am calling this a faulty assumption by the player, and you going off half-cocked without first doing your homework. Just because you were unable to find and procure Eldarium on the Exiled Lands, that does not mean it is unobtainable there. That said, I still believe we can help you. :slightly_smiling_face: As @Lucidique has already informed you, it is found as random loot in the floating ‘flotsam’ crates which can be salvaged in a number of locations. Or to be more accurate, you have a chance of finding Scraps.

Put them in the Furnace to transform them into Eldarium bars. Although they are a very rare drop, so in all likelihood, you will be doing a good bit of grinding. Now, all of the places where I have found crates are:

  • inside the Sunken City dungeon is the best place (swim laps around the island).
  • Sepermeru, in the water behind the tavern where we meet Conan.
  • at the base of the Black Galleon close to where the water forks around it.
  • in the waters all around Buccaneer Bay.
  • sometimes floating around the docks in Dagon’s Embrace.
  • one near the shipwreck and World Boss at the Wreck of the Martyr.
  • floating just in the water on the Island of Unsightly Sirens.
  • beneath the Bridge of the Betrayer in the Frozen North.

I will add the shoreline under the Bridge of the Betrayer. I find at least two regularly.

Edit: Two more at the Island of Ugly Dancers off the coast of Xel-Ha


Interesting I had tried there before but turned up nothing. Just unluck I guess. Nice finds!

I have checked, and the flotsam crates seem to be like the Fragments in the city. There appears to be a 24 hr respawn period.

Just for fun, I collected 26 crates since your post. The result was 23 scraps in 5 crates. That’s 115 Eldarium for those paying attention.

Wow one can play this game every evening for couple of years and still learn new things.

Personally, this one would like very much if the delving bench were (once fixed) added to the Exiled Lands since Eldarium and other recipes are headed in.

Mind you, this one wouldn’t mind those recipes being folded into Khari recipes with appropriate adjustment.
This one finds Khari gear just a touch low on prowess compared to the rigours of acquiring the recipes and materials.


Well can someone list which recipes are available and where to get them?

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Ditto. I haven’t seen a single recipe drop from anywhere. The events use to drop recipe fragments, but that was stopped a while back during sorcery.

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Now I’m curious about this. I started a new SP game at the beginning of chap 2 cause I wanted to explore the updated dungeons and just overall chill and take my time and roll into chapter 3 but I’m yet to see any Siptah recipes. They could be newly added with some of the Siptah creatures added like the BloodDefiler that’s now hanging out in the war makers sanctuary.

As a proud owner for this paid content, no. Not until they treat Siptah as part of the base game with Ages. See other threads where people say it is a dlc, thus anything with it should remain withbthose who spent money for it.


This one respects that position.

One quibble, however, spawning Eldarium and Eldarium accessories thru the admin panel was never paywalled.

The only locked parts , the ones that are explicitly of the DLC (other than the map) are the Slave-forged armour set, Flotsam build set, and Stormglass build set.

This one does agree that Siptah 's support ( or lack thereof, especially in the absence of server transfers) is shameful, even when it is allowed in on the fun, it’s always half @$$ed. A complaint this one has made numerous times.

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i was being trolly :slight_smile: Just to remind the know it alls (not you btw) that as a dlc, all of that should be locked in admin panel if you don’t have the dlc. Do you own Siptah? If so, then i would need a non owner to check if it can be adminned in. Otherwise as an owner it should be available to you in admin.

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This one tried before they buyed…
Er, bought.

And also has a disc from a different region that has no DLC associated and have confirmed.

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Were you also able to spawn in all the dlc with admin panel? Or only siptah?

I think the crates having scrapes in exiled lands is just, siptha crates being imported, same as siptha creatures in events. I’d say easier for them to just import then make something new.

Following up… I just watched @KiahonfireOfficial doing the siege and she got a siptah recipe. That’s likely where they drop.


Me and my friends bought Siptah but we don’t play the map as most people own only EL map and I would like to have all these Siptah features ported to EL.
Making Siptah a separate game was a mistake, but it’s features can become an easy way to extend the life of Exiled Lands. All these dungeons can be copy/pasted and fitted around the biomes plus filled with so far Siptah-exclusive mobs. They can even keep it only for DLC owners, people will be more likely to buy it then.

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I do agree that making Siptah a seperate map was a mistake, however the more Siptah stuff they move to Exiled Lands the more redundat the Siptal dlc will be.
Also worth noting is that Exiled Lands map is pretty much filled to the limit of what the engine is capable of utilizing, so adding vaults to Exiled Lands will likely never happen or even be possible.

What I think they should do is make it possible to freely travel between the 2 official maps in paired server clusters + adding the Siptah map itself part of basegame(free), then they can keep the 3 armor sets, island barber(extra hair options), the 2 building sets(stormglass and flotsam), rhino saddles etc. as part of the paid Isle of Siptah dlc :slight_smile:

All that said, Most of their resources is probably relocated to the upcoming Dune mmo game so I don’t think their focus on Conan Exiles is much more than the current age systems to support their battlepass Bazaar items :slight_smile: