Recipe Fragments on Exiled Lands

Hello Exiles

I know what recipe fragments are, but what do you do with them on Exiled Lands?

If there is no bench, what are you guys doing with them?

Side note - maybe Funcom should introduce a “wandering wizard” who for a cost, will “interpret” the fragments for you??

Any ideas?

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You’re talking about schematics fragments? I believe it’s 5 of them that make a complete schematic giving you a new armour or weapon ‘recipe.’


Exactly. Some of those recipes require eldarium to craft, which means you’re kinda screwed, but others do not.


Yes sorry, schematic fragments yes.

Ok so once I have 5 in my inventory what do I do?

Nothing. They automatically transform into a recipe as soon as you have 5 of them.


Oh, excellent. Thank you

Would be nice if there were ways to get Eldarium on the Exiled Lands too.
Just a few and very rare would be fine.

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According to LostBrythunian, you can get Scraps, which can be smelted into eldarium, from the Blowback event. I would like to believe this is true, though I have yet to even see that event, much less actually get Scraps.


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