Delving recipes in EL and vice versa

I’m trying to figure out if its possible to get certain schematics/knowledges in either siptah or exiled lands, but couldnt really find anything concrete.

Specifically, im trying to find out if I can get the delving recipe items in the exiled lands, and the warmaker arsenal in Siptah.

Can anyone help/

Delving recipes schematics may be found in the bosses of the events in EL. Warmaker recipes are RNG finds at the end of elder vault chests in Siptah

Also, if you have enough eldarium (50 bars) and know someone with a delving bench (I have one, as do others that may have transferred in the past), you can ask them to delve anything… assuming you’re on good terms with them. Problem with delving recipes, however, is they’re EXPENSIVE with eldarium. Meanwhile, eldarium drops are EXTREMELY rare to find on EL. This would be less of an issue if they’d only increase the scraps drop rate or actually had bars and decayed eldarium drop from npcs or in chests. The Stygian invaders in the Exiled Lands is a perfect opportunity for the narrative to state they just brought over eldarium from siptah.

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Eldarium is not intended to be obtained in any capacity on exiled lands. Any current means to are a bug that will be fixed.

I’ve considered that as a possibility, but I’m not so sure. It may not have been INTENDED, but I don’t suspect it’s a bug. It’s likely more of an oversight, but won’t be fixed UNLESS someone complains. I feel that we should rally that it’s a good thing and should get improved upon.

Yeah I thought that as well but they keep throwing Siptah into EL in various ways that I’m starting to rethink that. I mean if it happens once, ok whoops on them for forgetting eldarium and or schematic drops from the Siptah monsters but we are now talking w year afterwards and they do the same mistake again? Seems odd.

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