Elephants strength/size/saddles + Rhino saddles

Hey there,

well I think elephants could need some love. First to say the standard version is too small. It should be the size of the mighty elephant which seems to appear normal. Maybe change that and add the baby elephant as a new pet option for the people who like the smaller version ? Or even better add a juvenile version with smaller tusk ? But I guess that’s more unlikely to happen to ask for a additional model change. ^^ Just look how big rhinos are compared to the standard size which isn’t the wild standard size of course. The next thing is they don’t have much health but even the mighty version doesn’t. Much less health than a rhino and less armor as well.

For comparison

Mighty Elephant level 11
13 vitality = 904 health
13 courage = 442 bonus armor / total amor 489

Mighty Rhino level 11
17 vitality = 2927 health
16 courage = 640 bonus armor / total armor 724

Maybe improve the stat gain/level for the elephant ? Of course the rhino had better rolls or maybe base stats but the 3-4 points difference isn’t the problem. It’s the amount/point. The rhino also doesn’t really is overpowered but the elephant should do better. Of course there’s the mammut. I don’t have one yet so it might be as strong as the rhino I guess but well no option to verify yet. Maybe someone else can give that info. This elephant version is called mighty elephant however so I guess it should be as mighty as other mighty pet versions as well and if mammuts have this stats right now then maybe just both should have it or give the mammut a bit extra power ?

Last to say but propably many did already. Saddles. I’d like to suggest to add saddles for all versions and the option for the animal to fight back if not mounted. Also add saddles for all of the rhinos please but also allow every version to fight back even if having a saddle. It just doesn’t make sense for those animals to forget how to fight back if having a saddle and not mounted.

Propably there could be more ideas to mention but I think this are some of the basics needed first.

Best Regards

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