Rhinos need more skins ( pure white rhino / pureblack, reptilian monstrosity, rhino king wooly rhino) and saddle looks as horses. Use the horse saddle arts as a base and design rhino armors off that . And why does undead rhino count as a thrall count and not a mount. Is that a bug? and Rhinos currently have 300hp to start in Beta to start when Horses start at like over 2000 wth Why is a a horse able to strut across the plains and take more damage then a battle rhino. Also camels die to a stiff breeze.
i think that rhinos are to weak in this game in general aspect, e.g. the mobs, a true rhino is deadly, and in game they die like flies. The only one that offer some risk is the king. As a mount, regarding their colors and the saddles, they are ok for me, never tried the undead rhino, i missed it on bazaar. I agree with you they should have more hp. I was surprised when i fought my first rhino, i was in fear, i was running “o hell this thing is after me” then i decied to stand and figth and after a few hit he died and flyed far away troght the air lol. I was “what? a 2-4 ton creature die this easy and fly like a soccer ball” lol. So they have a personal heartache against rhinos.
Rhinos are too slow, too large, and only mildly good at attacking while mounted. I hate them too… so it’s not a big deal.
I like them ok but there is lots room for improvment in general but 300 hp i hope has to be a bug when horses start with a Ton of hp. There are mods that make them more realistic in speed and damage but id rather not use mods and have them made right to begin with. it takes days or longer sometimes for mods to get updated after every patch then no one on the server can play till all the mods update. I dont ride horses personally unless im quick riding to my body im always on rhino back charging my enemys bowling them over wich gives me joy as guys fly thru the air, But im authority speced so my thralls do most of my work. Also hoping the new mount coming is a mammoth as of today in beta they start with 1315hp wich is also less then a horse that starts with 2413hp what is going on funcom. Rhinos make me feel like a real primal barbarian horses make me feel more knight like personally.
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