Elixir of rebirth- awesome sauce!

If you corrupt your self fully to gain more strength then you loose to much stamina pool. So far I don’t believe it worth the effort to do this, maybe there’s a build I don’t know or didn’t test yet for obvious reasons you already know!
If you place 2 Authority perks only and you corrupt them you have about 30% corruption not 50%. Your stamina pool is satisfying and you worry not for hp loss from hits, since every hit you gain splits to your followers, that means that you receive just the one third if you have a horse too.
So I go light armor and lower than 50% encumbrance and charge in fights like a mad man!
My first hit makes my thrall frenzy and it hits harder. I keep every boss focused on me dodging and hitting it and my thrall slays without issues.
If however you go archer it’s best to give the “well trained” on your thrall because it tanks the fight. I used on a bearer the shield and mace and it worked really well. My bow literally destroyed the boss and my Bearer took about 400 damage, he used the shield a lot.
I wish I had better conditions to test more. But you can surely understand why I love to corrupt just two perks of authority, it’s the playstyle I like.
I like to rule the fight, not my thrall!

Nah, you just go near the second perk, stoping before. So, like 8 or 9 points.

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This is what I still need to try. :wink:

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You don’t need thralls at all with these new builds. We didn’t need them before, imagine now.
I do like having them, though, as you know. :wink:

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Me too :grin:, I love them!

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Eye candy lol

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Corrupted builds are best if you…

  1. Are thinking authority
  2. Using low stamina weapons like short sword or mace
  3. have a horse
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Yeah believe me weakest link is still the player.

Thralls dont make mistakes they just stand there…haha!

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Yeah your doing yourself a dis service- ive eliminated all negative stats from thralls with that potion.

You know the corruption isnt permanent when you level sorcery right? Its only permanent on your attributes page when you corrupt yourself.


Named from noob river- revamped!

Just sayin!

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No they don’t make mistakes, all they do I come from behind and block your dodge :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Actually they do a little things right it’s the only thing you can say about them :wink:. But suit your self @Akomo play with thralls and let me be the weak link, I like being the weak link!

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Played with enough players to know that they are…

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True :+1:t6:

Yesterday night I tried the war party perk to go farming, @stelagel . Changed my build and went farming big with two gorgeous babes covering my ass. It was VERY fun. Situational, but very fun. You are by no means weak and having two thralls following you is a blast. I wouldn’t choose this build for dungeon clearing, like at all, but for farming? Definitely. It’s awesome! :smile:


Exactly! On wine cellar is best to go with a lvl 20 thrall “well trained” perk, than anything else! I am still searching for a peek choice that it is not useful and I cannot find one! Before the update my build was almost static, now for a “normal”* player changing your attributes and followers is probably a must! It’s only 2.5 months and we still have a lot to test, but this new attribute system with followers seems flawless!

*in a private conversation I had with @sestus2009 we agree that I am no normal :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Plus I can’t follow this playstyle anymore, my console do not allow it, other than that I really find happiness doing crazy s… t.
A player said that had difficulty to farm the damn torch in Siptah! So I jumped in this server and day 2…

That’s how I find fun :grin:, others happiness is a bliss for me!


If you don’t mind losing the thrall, F it. Make yourself a beast and use it as bait! :laughing:


I say, 4 choices so far. Super Soldier (strenght), Nimble Fighter (agility), Great Commander (vit str aut - well trained), The Gatherer (grit exp maxed aut- war party). You can toy a bit with perk corruption, but these are the four I was able to explore so far and find useful ( I named them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:).
Sorcery build, nope. Archer build, almost, but still not quite there yet.
A lot of your build also depends if you are playing alone or in a clan, if you were lucky with thralls, your gear, what you’ll do, etc. Plenty more options after reaching 60. The perk system is much better now.


It doesn’t get more exemplary than Sriracha Sauce, which is the smash hit grill sauce in the country. The first flavor is on the better side (as the name proposes) and to some degree owes its remarkable tartness to a smidgen of pineapple juice.


Welcome to the forum fellow exile :grinning:!


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