Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: None
Mods: None
Bug Description:
Enemy attack hitboxes are very misaligned with the model.
Bug Reproduction:
This is especially apparent with larger enemies like the giant crocodile, elephants, mammoths, rhinos, etc. where their attack will connect with you a second or two before their model would collide with you. This is even more irritating in light of how “precise” player weapon hitboxes are.
this is true, with the mammoth for example, when it does the giant stomp attack, I would be in the air half a second before he actually touches land with his feet.
When he does his side swipe attack with his tusk, I move inwards towards his side and rolling, to go behind and will still get smacked by a invisible hotbox near his ribs/hind legs.
When he does does a full charge, would get tapped when his body never touches my character.
Honestly I kind of suspect it’s not so much enemies’ hitboxes being overly large, but our hitbox as players instead. It’d explain why it seems like every enemy has a gigantic invisible force-field surrounding them.
Not every enemy. It’s non-humanoid enemies.
Humanoids work quite alright. Some weapon animations may not be so accurate, but it’s ok if you keep your expectation bar down a little.