Game mode: [Online private]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvP]
Region: [North America]
[Came to look for an update on this problem but can’t find a thread. I know many servers are experiencing this. Somehow the user IDs of people are no longer recognized and they are prompted to create a new user. Many servers are down because of this. Wondering when a patch will be released to share with frustrated users.]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
1.Update with latest update from Funcom
2.Log in with Direct Connect since the server list is obliterated
3.Suffer through the conan video for the 100,000,000 time
4.Scream in anguish when presented with the create new player screen.