Exiles forum revamp

Hi!!! So far I love the little flag and the pun it creates. The exclamation point and its smooth glow is nice, even if it is misbehaving on mouse hover a bit, and having something to indicate a developer response when browsing is always useful! :>


New badge looks awesome! :smiley:



Turns out itā€™s not just Opera and it was an issue with a :hover selector. Should be fixed/not possible to cause the flickering effect now.


Replying for testing!


I, for one welcome our new overlordsā€¦err, shiny new forums and icons. Ooohh, a peanut.


Alright, so a couple new things xposting from the forum news section;

  • Adding #Report-Received tag, which can only be added by Funcom staff and is used to mark a bug report as seen and reported internally, without necessarily requiring a Dev Reply. This tag has a custom icon and color, ideally making it more visible compared to regular thread tags.

  • Updated Funcom staff post styling; adjusted border and added background tint and logo. Itā€™s really dark so this may still undergo adjustments - let us know what you think!

  • ā€œSolvedā€ button and icon is now blue instead of green, and the checkbox icon that indicates a solved topic should now be much more visible at a glance when looking at the topic list.

    • Before:

    • After:


I visit the forum 99% from my self phone , so itā€™s a bit difficult to see bookmarks etc , yet I can say that I like the changes because now when someone is having an issue I can understand that he is PlayStation player and I can reply to his problem easier . I had a great issue before , especially when consoles stayed behind , because I was giving wrong advices to players since in pc everything was different . So better late than never , these changes must be done , nice job @AndyB , Thank you for everything you do for us :+1::+1: . Still you will allow me to look fool for another time and ask ā€¦
I have a suggestion (dream) , where is the correct bookmark to place my thoughts ? Feedback ?
If you find time I would appreciate your answer , thank you .

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A big part of the revamp was that we only recently had the ability to add another layer of subcategories, which made everything much smoother. If you have specific thoughts to share, you can use the #general-discussion:exiles-suggestions I would say. If youā€™re talking about bookmarks that is a separate thing the forum does support.


So the revamp is allow more cross references or simply more labels to discussion subjects under ?

Itā€™s to make it look better and make it easier to use, and to have specific sections for each platform.


Ah, cool. Thank you for clearing that up.

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It also broke the search a bit. Take a look:

Only the third search ā€“ the one in ā€œFeedbackā€ forum specifically ā€“ will find this discussion, the other two wonā€™t.

Is there a place in the forums we could go to discuss the Badges? I feel that the information on badges isnā€™t clear.

For Eg I would like to no how I get the license badge? It says I need to read some tutorial on the forums but no where in the forums can I get any better info.

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @catbot display help.


@CatBot display help

omg @anon83039162 I will never learn :sob::sob::sob:

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I currently know how to do the following things:

@catbot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@catbot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@catbot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Many of lifeā€™s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ā€” Thomas Edison

@catbot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it


I just wanted to pop in to say that I think many of the changes/additions to the tagging of topics at the topic title level are appreciated improvements.
It helps with the perception of response from/by Staff, as well as making it easier for users to find existing conversations that have acknowledged or addressed issues.

keep up the good work.

keep up the good work.


Thanks! A big focus of the recent iterations was to improve visibility of important info or to show that things have been acknowledged.

Late reply, but good catch. Iā€™ll bring it up with Discourse.


Heya @CodeMage, the search issue is now fixed. :slight_smile: \o/


Awesome! Thank you guys so much :smiley: