Failed to join requested game / Lost connection

Game mode: [Online official | Online private ]
Type of issue: [ Crash ]
Server type: [ PvP ]
Region: [EU]

Well, here comes strange thing:
I can’t log in to any server if players are already playing on it,
I just recive message: Failed to join requested game,
if server is empty without any players… I can join and play without any problems

and here comes even more strange thing:
if I am already somehow playing on a server alone, and someone log-in then… i get kicked out of server
with message “Lost connection”
this thing is happening on almost every server, official and unoficial included

step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced:

  1. Open Conan Exiles
  2. join any server

Things that I have done and didn’t fix issue:

  • full clear reinstall of game
  • run steam file check
  • update graphic drivers / nvidia expirience
  • set in steam settings ping per minute to 500
  • run game without steam overlay
  • run steam / conan exiles as administrator
  • turn off antywirus
  • turn off firewall
  • reinstal battleeye
  • remove ‘config’ folder from steam and wait for steam to create new one
  • try playing via diffrend internet provider

And yes, I already read most of previous topics about this kind of problem, though nothing seems to work for me.
To be more strange, this error came to me recently, during last month everything worked just fine for me…

PS: sorry for my english if I made some grammar mistakes

Official server or Private?

Sounds like private server settings

Both types, I have already tried 7 diffrend officials and 5 private, on every of them is the same thing
on servers without Battleye is the same issue too

Hey @MaximEu

Could you let us know your Country and ISP to check if there’s any issues on our end?

Country : Poland
ISP: Vectra

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