Recently my friends and I have gone and made our own server. I knew previously I had difficulty getting into the last server we played, but normally I could get in by the second time using a combination of opening steam as admin and uninstalling battleye then reinstalling.
Now I’m running into this issue where it’s taking me at the moment three hours of attempts with a variety of validating files, restarting my computer, and etc. It was not a problem yesterday to join in the aforementioned fashion, but I don’t know what the issue could be and I can’t pin point it at all. I don’t know if it’s cause of the recent update and the fact we’re using mods or not but I’m not getting anywhere on steam as far as the issue.
Another thing to note is that yes everything is up to date, yes I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the entire game. Also in the same screen after I am notified with the text “Failed to Join Requested game” if I go ahead and try again to join it hits me with a “Authentication failure” immediately.
Summarizing my process these past two days with no contact from customer support at all: The issue I have been having is trying to connect to my public rp server me and my friends are hosting through gportal. I was fine connecting to it the day before I put in the ticket also a day or two after the Mount update I believe. I have done re-installs of everything imaginable trying to weed out what may be the issue. No amount of validating or unsubbing mods is fixing the issue. I have tried with battleye without battleye, restarting my computer, opening steam as admin, and I have still had no luck. I’m able to join other servers with and without mods so logically I thought it had to be my connection to the server. I downloaded a VPN testing different servers thinking one of them would connect me to my server on Conan, but I still have nothing to show for it. So it’s not my mods, it’s not my internet, it’s not battleye…
My cousin has exactly, the same problem to enter one of my servers, I have two servers in g-portal exactly the same with the same configuration and the same plugins and in one it says “Authentication error” and the other enters without problems . And this was after the update of the mounts.
Help Funcom please
I had redownloaded steam and the game entirely I was able to get on for a while before I got a fatal error yesterday. Did the same thing and it still wont work. Their customer support has still YET to get to me.