Fatal error while launching

Online official

Hello Guys,

I have reinstalled Conan Exiles and since, it s impossible for me to play the game. Each time i launch the game, an error message appear :

Fatal error: [File:C:\B\branch_ConanSandbox_live\code\UE4\Source\ConanSandbox\ConanSandbox.cpp] [Line: 332]
Mounted paks num(51) not equal to expected paks num(50). Please verify your installation

I have already verify the game file with steam and uninstall all the old mod i had. I have also uninstall and reinstall the game entierly.

Can you help me ?


Hey @Northrambo

Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustration.
Do you have any antivirus software installed?
Also when uninstalling, make sure to delete all content of the folders remaining, including the ones for workshop mods.

Hey Igansis,

Yeah I have done that this morning and it s working now !

thanks for the help !

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Glad to hear your issue got resolved. Happy gaming!

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