Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: really frustrating BUG
Server type: PVE
Region: America
After the hotfix I lost all of the decoration feats(Statues, insignias, trophies, eldarium torches) so I thought i would begin going through all of the vaults again to find the recipes again so I
could finish my build. When one of the vault bosses fell through the world I decided to log off that night and the next morning I logged back in and decided to change up my attributes so I took a yellow lotus potion since I did not have the others and started reallocating my attributes/feats and thats when I noticed that the recipes I earned through the previous vaults I had done including getting the pirate banners and the eldarium brazier were all gone except for the most recent one that I obtained before I logged out.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Learn the statue and trophy feats in vault, and learn additional feats throughout the world
- log off and restart server and check to see if feats are still there, then wait 24 hours.
3.Take a yellow lotus potion to see if they feats are still there
4.check to see you still have the recipes for the statues
This picture is before I ran the twiced drowned vault and visited the camp to get the eldarium brazer
This picture is after I took the yellow lotus potion the next day