(Feedback)Please, add a building limit per clan (PVP SERVERS)

I see too many mistakes …I honestly think that all this does not even come from the developers, it comes from orders of the management team and it gives me the impression that it is a way of diverting resources from one game to another, very crude in my opinion. On the other hand Conan, even being a great game, has always had the worst management that I have ever seen in a game, even in the free ones I have never seen a lack of equal respect to consumers, so they may have simply left the worst of the worst in charge of modration and not that there is no plan behind. Anyway, I and quite a few people I know will consider Funcom’s managment of their products for future games (that’s a mild way of putting it).

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This is exactly what is being asked for yes. A hard limit so that the optimized base can be generated and shared up on youtube for everyone else on those servers to copy.

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If you want example builds from Funcom on youtube, you’re in luck… About 5 or 6 of them exist there for you to see and emulate as you like.

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